Is it naive to assume that the Canadian...

...government does no have the same active surveillance and data collection/review resources or programs as the NSA/USA?

NSA Utah Data Center - Serving Our Nation's Intelligence Community


  • it's obvious that the government knows more and has more technology than they tell us. i never quite understood how that was ever allowed to happen though. in the name of national security i guess. in any case, i don't know if canada has technology that is as good as america's but i'm sure it's pretty decent nonetheless. as far as general data collection, that shit just scares the crap out of me.

    the fact is, if anyone even considered tracking and compiling all the data (which i'd assume the government would be interested in doing) it would be very easy to track practically everyone and everything. every transaction you make is tracked easily. everything you attach your name to online is tracked easily. GPS is obvious. if you live in a major city you are filmed on camera an average of 75 times a day (and that stat i found was from 2007).

    so is canada as good as america at tracking data? probably not, but i'm sure they still gather and track a crap ton.
  • Canada just piggy backs on the USA's capabilities. That data centre is ending up costing upwards of $2 Billion so I highly doubt the Canadian government has a similar facility.

    There is no doubt though that the USA is tracking our communications with their own facilities. They admitted that they were mostly targeting foreign countries. And they just tell Canada if they find anything, like with that navy spy Delisle.

    That isn't to say Canada doesn't do any spying at all. They definitely monitor persons of interest that they know about. It is just not as all encompassing, recording everything as the American program does.
  • I imagine that there is a certain amount of information sharing going on, but remember that it is far easier for these corporations (google, Verizon, etc.) to tell Uncle Steve to get stuffed than it is for them to tell Obama where to go . . . they are after all American corporations, subject to their laws.
  • They only do it so that the RCMP knows in advance how you might react to pepper spray and/or tasering and if you have the financial resources to sue.
  • Milo wrote: »
    I imagine that there is a certain amount of information sharing going on, but remember that it is far easier for these corporations (google, Verizon, etc.) to tell Uncle Steve to get stuffed than it is for them to tell Obama where to go . . . they are after all American corporations, subject to their laws.

    Remember though...these programs were all in place or in planning long before Obama....he is complicit and should be censured (but won't be) but he isn't the only one deserving of a slap. this is extra-partisan for sure. but yeah, Uncle sam of any colour (blue or red...) is tougher to resist than Antie Liz

    CSIS is just the canadian arm of NSA anyway*

    *tiny tin foil hat time
  • Was not trying to imply this is Obama's fault/doing, simply making the observation that Townshend did so many years ago . . .

    Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

    Also, for the Republicans to be up in arms about this is hysterically funny, as they enabled most of it themselves.
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