
Yards. who's for them? who's against them? Personally I think we should all calm down about yards. Too much maintenance, bad on the environment. Let the grass grow 20 feet high is what i say.


  • Just buy a goat and tie it up in the back yard. When he's done eating the grass from where he's tied up, move him to a new spot.
  • Dumbest idea ever to cover your area with a type of plant that requires constant cutting and maintenance. Not to mention the crazy amount of water required. Watering lawns is one of the biggest wastes of drinkable water. People are so stupid and never question anything. They only think " who needs water to live? I'd rather have a pretty lawn." It's things like this that make me dislike most people.
  • Just buy a goat and tie it up in the back yard. When he's done eating the grass from where he's tied up, move him to a new spot.

    I've actually considered this ( along with chickens, bees, etc.) Can't have them in the city though. Well, you can if neighbours don't complain. Good luck with that though.
  • The only good yard is the drinkable kind. But be careful of the bell.
  • We've got a huge backyard which allows Ace on the River (pictured below) and Queenie the opportunity to play as only they know how. Basically, it's weeds intermingled with a bit of grass. The weeds actually seem to hold up better and replenish faster than grass given the torture it endures from the dogs. Never once been watered and it looks green from the deck!
  • Damn that is one fine looking dog, Bill . . .
  • I was thinking the same thing. Very nice.
  • If that artificial turf like they have at the Skydome was affordable, I would happily replace my grass with that stuff. Seems like if someone could figure out how to produce it affordably they could be rolling in money.

    As it is, I try to make sure my lawn is not the worst on my street, but it is definitely not the best!!
  • How about utilizing the land to grow some food?
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    How about utilizing the land to grow some food?

    that's the plan for me starting next summer in my backyard at least.
  • Except that most cities actually have by-law restrictions on how much lawn is required on you property. House cannot occupy more than 45% of the land area, driveway must not be more than "x"%, and the so on . . .
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