
  • What do you mean? Tons of office supplies up for grabs!
  • So it looks like I run good.

    Not only did I survive the cuts, but I was promoted.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    So it looks like I run good. Not only did I survive the cuts, but I was promoted.

    Nice one!
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    So it looks like I run good.

    Not only did I survive the cuts, but I was promoted.

    One step closer.... Similar to my run 10 years ago.. :)

    Congrats Ron, but keep your eyes open and your rear covered..
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    So it looks like I run good.

    Not only did I survive the cuts, but I was promoted.

    Better then being escorted to the door with a mittful of highlighters and binder clips.

    Glad to hear you didn't bubble out. Now it's time to shoot for first! LOL
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    So it looks like I run good.

    Not only did I survive the cuts, but I was promoted.

    congrats and good luck with the post cuts environment. will be an interesting couple of years for us all I think.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    So it looks like I run good.

    Not only did I survive the cuts, but I was promoted.

    Just another asshole climbing over the careers of fired co-workers to reach the top . . . well done. :D

    And remember, the higher the monkey climbs up the tree, the easier he is to shoot.
  • Don't forget, he also has a bigger parachute. :D
  • Yeah, but who packed it? #dirtylaundry
  • Hey Hobbes, are you a broker with economical insurance, any chance a better quote than what I have now can be hatched for my business insurance?
  • Sorry. I'm in IT.
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