Computer Question

Well I was wondering ... I have two computers. One at work and one at home. Both connected to the internet. Is there a way to set it up so if I am at home I can see my laptop desktop from work?



  • I use gotomypc to access my work computer from anywhere. It's a Citrix product and has a monthly fee. I think there are cheaper options, but this works really well - been using it for a long time (>5 years)
  • You can use a free version of LogMeIn, that's what I use.

    You might have firewall issues though
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    You can use a free version of LogMeIn, that's what I use.

    You might have firewall issues though

    +1 heartily endorse this product.. The only difference between the free and pay version is only the paid version allows you to copy files from the remote (ie work pc) and your home pc and also allows you to print from your work pc to the printer at home. Other than that free version is all you need. If you need a file from your work pc you can always email it to yourself at home.

    LogMeIn drills right through firewalls, hardware and software, so no issue there...
  • Have processed payroll from a number of countries. Keeps the staff happy^-^

    Milton Slim
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    You can use a free version of LogMeIn, that's what I use.

    You might have firewall issues though

    +3 been using it for years. Also has an iPhone app that I use most
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