RIP Wiggity, wiggity, wiggity, whack!

Chris Kelly of rap duo Kris Kross dies at 34

Kriss Kross "Jump" - YouTube


  • Another child star succumbs to "has been" disease.
  • I was shocked when I heard this news.

    Shocked that he was 34? WTF!
  • Jeff Hanneman of Slayer passed today . . . who might be next?

    pleasebeBarryManilow pleasebeBarryManilow pleasebeBarryManilow
  • Two words.


  • Two words.



    isn't she immortal.
  • In 1992 at U of W there used to be a group of guys that would borrow my jeans so that they could go to dances dressed like Kriss Kross - with the pants backwards.
  • I blame CosFedWOT . . .
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