Congrats Mr. & Mrs Cerberus!!!

Congrats to you both on the day of your wedding!


  • Congrats to the Mr.

    Sympathy to the Mrs. :D
  • Oh I thought it was an announcement of more cats.
  • Wow, very nice Sir. It's a great day and one you'll remember!

    I'd say something smartassish at this point, but why bother. Hope you have a great day.
  • Congratulations, Cerb . . . and in keeping with your new status, I will bestow upon you a bit of wisdom that was given to me on my wedding day.

    A man is never truly complete, until he takes a wife . . .

    only then is he finished.
  • Congrats to the both of you.
  • Congratz to you both!
  • congrats! gl in your future together!
  • Congratulations!!
  • Awwww thanks erebody!

    We got back this afternoon. Boy, Windsor sure is NOT St Pete's Beach!

    Ultimately, I can sum up the whole thing in one sentence: 8 months of planning for an 8 minute ceremony. I'm not even joking, someone timed it. See, neither of us is overly religious, so we wrote our own ceremony and had a friend marry us. Did you know that when you remove all references to God, all prayers, hymns and psalms from the ceremony and then add a couple of jokes and put in a unity sand ceremony, the whole thing takes less time than most Queen songs?

    Oh, and for the first time in 35 years, it rained on May 1st there. Thankfully, our wrestling show background made us extremely prepared for how to Macguyver a plan B out of 3 paper clips, used bubble gum and a half dead jelly fish, so it all went very well :)
  • Orly? a half dead jelly fish does not make a good condom.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Awwww thanks erebody!

    We got back this afternoon. Boy, Windsor sure is NOT St Pete's Beach!

    Ultimately, I can sum up the whole thing in one sentence: 8 months of planning for an 8 minute ceremony. I'm not even joking, someone timed it. See, neither of us is overly religious, so we wrote our own ceremony and had a friend marry us. Did you know that when you remove all references to God, all prayers, hymns and psalms from the ceremony and then add a couple of jokes and put in a unity sand ceremony, the whole thing takes less time than most Queen songs?

    Oh, and for the first time in 35 years, it rained on May 1st there. Thankfully, our wrestling show background made us extremely prepared for how to Macguyver a plan B out of 3 paper clips, used bubble gum and a half dead jelly fish, so it all went very well :)

    If you tell us that the honeymoon involved going to a taping of TNA Impact, I am coming for you with a folding chair . . . BROTHER . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    If you tell us that the honeymoon involved going to a taping of TNA Impact, I am coming for you with a folding chair . . . BROTHER . . .

    Impact tapes on the road now, so that wasn't a possibility. Almost got to hang out with the NXT guys though :)
  • alright then, pics or it didn't happen.

    In b4 pics of a mr and mrs potato head themed cake topper!

    Congrats mate, may you make each other happier in good times and bad. (and continue to give each other suplexes in the back yard on occasion.)
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