Blue Jays

With the 4 game sweep of the Jays at the hands of castaways the Yankees call their baseball team, is it to earlier to start thinking about next year for the Jays?


  • They are only 17% through the season!
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    They are only 17% through the season!

    True, but did LAA recover last year from their horrible start? Nope
  • yup, this season is a wash.
    they are lucky LEAFS have all attention, otherwise jays would be under fire.

    so it is official. leafs and bruins first round.
  • Time for Blanco to go. Total dead weight. At least Thole would give them a true platoon off the bench that could be used for a pinch hit. Right now Blanco plays until Dickey leaves the game and then gibber can't get him out of the game fast enough.

    Too many bizarre decisions from gibber too. Last week pinch hitting for Rasmus in a tie game in the 7th inning. Last night with the lead, leaving Davis in to butcher a catchable ball. Today a tight game and Dickey is lights out, Bautista leads off with a double with our offense struggling to score runs but instead of bunting and letting melky have a chance bring in a run with a sac fly, he and Edwin both swing away and strike out and Bautista gets no farther.
  • Moose, you are right on so many points. People say mangers don't win games players do. Well that may be true there are so many correct decisions need to be made throughout, if you miss one it ends up being costly. And Gibby's decisions have already cost 4 games by my count. Where is shea hillenbrand to post the sign "the ship is sinking". It worked firing Jimmy Williams. I hope AA doesn't wait until the end of May because we could be out of this thing by mother's day.
  • pretty much what Moose said.......seems just about every time I watch a game, there is some kind of managerial mishap.
  • Fold the franchise and start over with an expansion team
  • Macke wrote: »
    Fold the franchise and start over with an expansion team

    Like the Grizzlies did? Oh wait they never got another team.
  • Probably would have been for the best... that franchise is cursed.

    Moved to Memphis and get worse attendance..

    They finally make the playoffs a few years later and go on to lose their first 12 straight playoff

    Honestly.. it is sad to say but the Jays are a complete joke... only kept somewhat relevant due to the fact that the Yankees and Red Sox come into town 20+ times a year.... just a total mess of an organization.

    Yes, they don't have it easy playing in the AL east.. but even the Rays and the Os have made the playoffs now.

    Team never knows what they are doing.. never embraced a full rebuild really, they start one and then get impatient and try for an "All in" type year and then they fall on their faces.

    Saw it in 2005 or 2006..whichever year they got Burnett, Ryan, Glaus, Molina..

    Seeing it now again.

    Also falling in love with their prospects far too fast blinding them from the truth when they get off to a fast Aaron Hill, Rios, Lind..

    Oh well..
  • Baseball, more than any other sport, is so unpredictable. All stars from previous years can have a totally shit year the next. Teams full of nobodies can put it all together and win a championship.

    I was really hoping the Jays would be good this year, and there is still time to turn things around. But the predominant feeling after the blockbuster trades was that they wouldn't, couldn't, lose. I didn't share in that at all.
  • moose wrote: »
    TBautista leads off with a double with our offense struggling to score runs but instead of bunting and letting melky have a chance bring in a run with a sac fly, he and Edwin both swing away and strike out and Bautista gets no farther.

    So you want the team's 4th hitter to lay the a bunt? Wow
    Macke wrote: »
    Seeing it now again.

    Also falling in love with their prospects far too fast blinding them from the truth when they get off to a fast Aaron Hill, Rios, Lind..

    Oh well..

    I have no idea what you mean by this statement, so please clarify.
  • westside8 wrote: »
    So you want the team's 4th hitter to lay the a bunt? Wow

    In the 6th inning of a 1-1 tie with a runner on 2nd and nobody out, when we are 9-17 and against an AL east opponent, and our clean up hitter is .227 and the next time our 3-4-5 hitters will likely get up is in the 9th inning against their closer, yes I do.
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    Baseball, more than any other sport, is so unpredictable. All stars from previous years can have a totally shit year the next. Teams full of nobodies can put it all together and win a championship

    True, but some of the same teams seem to do it over and over again when winning is the priority regardless of the dollars involved to accomplish it.

    How many people would have taken Boston roster over the Jays on March 31 2013? Not many I bet. Scott Ferguson on tsn has a nice article saying the playoff are over in his mine, for the blue jays, well pretty much.

    For me it is a question of will the stay below 87. At this pace it looks like it. AA can spend money like the next guy to get to 120 million payroll. But Rogers won't spend another 85 million to deal with injuries that always seem to happen in baseball. Like the Yankees, Red Sox and Dodgers do.
  • moose wrote: »
    In the 6th inning of a 1-1 tie with a runner on 2nd and nobody out, when we are 9-17 and against an AL east opponent, and our clean up hitter is .227 and the next time our 3-4-5 hitters will likely get up is in the 9th inning against their closer, yes I do.

    So you're completely ignoring the fact that the likelihood for him to have a success sac bunt is low? Since who knows when the last time he had even practice laying down one let alone trying to execute it in game.
  • Yeah ok I checked, 0 sacrifices in his career. Ugh.
  • moose wrote: »
    Yeah ok I checked, 0 sacrifices in his career. Ugh.

    Melky first inning bunted after Rajai lead off double, leading to Bautista little popup sac-fly.
  • Morris was actually gold on the broadcast today. He started crap but he is really warming up to the role now, the pitcher/catcher combination of Morris/Buck seems to have a much better repartee then Buck/Tabler. Best was when he corrected Buck on air after he screwed up yet again saying Morrow struggled in the 4th when he has the box score right in front of him. WTF?

    Buck crap as usual, calling Davis out on two strikes - this after he actually criticized the Jays yesterday for forgetting how many outs there were. Talk about the pot calling the kettle Buck (err black).
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