Do you consider yourself a part-time poker player?
Someone told me the other day they are a "part-time" poker player. How do you define a part-time player? certain number of hours per week or certain number of sessions per week? Would you consider yourself a part-time poker player? Do you have to have a profit overall for the year to be considered a part-time player? Thoughts.
Now lately work has truly consumed my life and I have gone back to being a recreational player which means I am playing home games and with friends mainly.
Hopefully in the summer I can resume my part time status lol
Part time
Guess I am going to have to slot myself in as a "Beer League" kind of a guy. I have a lot of fun, but in the end, it's almost as much about the company at the table.
I don't believe you need to have a profit to be a part-time player, as I believe most who would consider themselves part-time are actually losing players.
I think it falls into the category of activity/game/sport.
Also, it is done for gain or pay..(and not for a previously agreed upon rate of pay/renumeration).
Therefore, we are all semipros or professionals (unless you play poker for fun/recreation.)
So I would suggest the categories should be..
Semipro loser
Professional loser
You have a whole company at your table? Big game!
Or is it a company of geese? Easy game.