Can you unban darb?

Would love to hear his view of the Boston conspiracy theories. :D


  • And *I* get in trouble for stirring the pot...

  • I have no interest in that . . . nor his thoughts on today's arrests in Toronto. Let us see what the courts decide . . .
  • a**hole...
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Would love to hear his view of the Boston conspiracy theories. :D

    Can I start?

    How did this guy negotiate with the cops from the boat for 20-30 minutes (in most reports) when he was shot in the throat?

  • Pretty sure he didn't negotiate, he just didn't surrender or speak and they were afraid to go very close until he proved that he didn't have a bomb ready to blow them up. They flash-bombed him so he probably couldn't hear much either. If you read the Reddit commentary from police scanner traffic, it seems like they just took their time setting up the helicopter lighting and getting ready before they really moved in.
  • BrennerM wrote: »
    Pretty sure he didn't negotiate, he just didn't surrender or speak and they were afraid to go very close until he proved that he didn't have a bomb ready to blow them up. They flash-bombed him so he probably couldn't hear much either. If you read the Reddit commentary from police scanner traffic, it seems like they just took their time setting up the helicopter lighting and getting ready before they really moved in.

    Oh sure, that's what they want you to believe . . . sheep.

    Decide for yourself . . .

    Boston Truth Revealed - Imgur
  • I lol'd at that.
  • None so blind as those who will not see . . . It's Mike Harris's fault. No WAIT, that's the Ontario one . . . BUSH DID IT !!!
  • You're all fools

    The conspiracy theorists are the ones behind it! Consider the years of flak they have taken from the government propaganda agents. They have discredited, mocked, and ostracized by society. All because of the "man".

    Now, of course, they've decided the only course of action is to use their own weapons against them! They will stage these terrorist plots, they will seed enough hints (illuminati!) to preface these events. They will leak incriminating documents. They then plan to reveal all, show how easy it is to stage, and in doing so restore their credit and re-open investigations into 9/11, Columbine, Sandy Hook, and the REAL reason "Firefly" was cancelled.

    Of course, what they fail to realize in their zeal is that this was the main goal of the government in the first place. They have taken, in a very Shyamalian twist, the government will turn the hunters for the truth into the prey. The only ones who could see through the veil of lies and manipulation, will they themselves become manipulated into becoming the evil behind everything. This will cement the way for government to instill new laws, new powers, and do away with Miranda rights, due process, and return their power hungry council to their rightful place as rules of the world. Only then will the council be revealed....

    Huh.. fired this off in like 5 minutes, and it seems like it'd be a pretty solid flick....

  • Stay right where you are . . . we'll be along shortly.

    nameless, faceless, trilateral commission goons.
  • We've been onto him for six months . . . back off.

    Illuminati Sleeper Cell 23
  • Something before they knew of the race who did it someone told me:

    "They got everyone else now its back to shooting each other in the US its what they do"

    Not really a bad concept, they seem to do this, I understand its a big deal the bombing, but if you have who is actually responsible then wrap it up, not drag it out and carry on!
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