.5 /1 Guelph

Been doing my best to get a game going that's not a reg kitch snore fest. (Love ya zith). Any interest in upping the stakes and playing a game tonight??
For the love of god can we get a game going in guelph

You kitch guys can afford it, no football etc


  • There isn't much interest in local cash game.

    Maybe I'll again in the fall.

    If something worthwhile develops in the meantime plz pm me

  • Hey there Monksy, I'm located in Guelph and interested in playing/hosting games. Let me know if you're still shooting and if we can exchange info
  • I'm down for a game in Guelph, if one gets going lemme know and I'll do my best to be there!
  • Hey Guys
    Thanks for the interest. Let's keep this going. I can host as well. Punisher & Jim lets see if we can get a game going. Ask around; I'll do the same - I can play whenever.
  • you guys in for a game tonight?
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