Live Boston Scanner

I've been listening to a live police scanner in Boston - Window Cam of police scanner. The TV news coverage has been so slow in comparison.

"Movement in the boat...."


  • if someone says "mission accomplished" I hope they get fired.....
  • Kudos to the Law Enforcement folks in MA, especially for taking him alive. At least now we have the opportunity to get some answers.
  • and glad none of them got hurt. people were tweeting all fricken day about positions and tactics....if even one other person was injured because of that info ...... can't imagine.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Kudos to the Law Enforcement folks in MA, especially for taking him alive. At least now we have the opportunity to get some answers.

    Answers to what? Do you really believe that this action can be explained logically?

  • Answers to what? Do you really believe that this action can be explained logically?


    Explained, perhaps. Justified? Never!

    Need to know why they thought this was a logical course of action for them, and the ONLY way to find out was to take one of them alive. This may only be the actions of two very misguided disgruntled individuals...but it may also be something bigger. Don't know why he starts answering questions.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Explained, perhaps. Justified? Never!

    Need to know why they thought this was a logical course of action for them, and the ONLY way to find out was to take one of them alive. This may only be the actions of two very misguided disgruntled individuals...but it may also be something bigger. Don't know why he starts answering questions.

    I am not trying to be argumentative, I just can't think of any logical reason why they did this could make sense no matter what response they give.
  • Answers to what? Do you really believe that this action can be explained logically?

    Logically? No.

    But that does not mean that these two young men were not driven by "something" to commit this atrocity. It is incumbent on the authorities to find out what that motivation was. Sit this kid in a room with a cop and some smokes and start talking to him. During WW2 the Brits got all kinds of information from downed German fliers simply by playing cards, sharing smokes, and TALKING to their adversary.

    Find out what was motivating this kid, and you have the tools to head off the next delusional psycho . . . if all you do is put a bullet through his brain, you gain nothing. Plenty of time to give in to the baying hordes bent on revenge later. Questions need answers, and that should be the priority.
  • As per the usual...

    I first heard they caught the guy from Facebook feeds. Lot of colourful language being used, and emotions are running high - all understandable. I said yesterday before they knew where he was "I hope they take him alive, because I'd be interested in hearing his story".

    Nobody is going to argue that this kid is going to sit down, speak his manifesto and have everyone go "Oh man, you are SO right! Let's let him go". It is my hope that we get some information however. Perhaps it will shed light on mental health issues we'd not considered, perhaps something about this particular fella's experiences in moving to the states. I have no idea what he may say, and likely it will end up simply being illogical, unreasonable hatred for something that he framed in his mind as against him.

    Here's hoping (and this is counter to what a lot of those facebook status are saying) that we opt not to respond with illogical and unreasonable hatred-based actions.

  • Just read this article, and this line raised an eyebrow...thoughts?

    "Officials said a special interrogation team will question Tsarnaev without reading his Miranda rights, using a special public safety exception in circumstances of immediate public danger."

    Read more: Boston bombing suspect in serious condition after dramatic capture | CTV News
  • Welcome to the new USA where even citizens lose their rights at the whims of officials. I think this is a slippery slope they are following. In this case no one will be too upset with the waiving of rights because it looks for all the evidence out there that he did it and it was an awful thing for sure. however once law enforcement officials start erroding rights this way they will get used to it and invoke the special circumstances when it is convenient instead of when it is warranted.

    Either way they need to figure out why this happened. If it was an action that was part of something bigger, hopefully that can be snuffed out. If it is just two individuals with, as Mark said, some sort of unreasonable hatred born out of twisted thinking then it is a bit of piece of mind so everyone doesn't freak out at every public event when someone puts their backpack down.

    Some US public official said <paraphrase> welcome to the new world of terror, get used to it. scary that someone would think this.....
  • The best thing that they could do would be to read him his Rights (I think he is actually a US citizen, no?), charge him with 4 counts of murder under exceptional circumstances (or whatever the statute calls it), plus multiple counts to cover the wounded and maimed, and then question him as needed.

    Do NOT treat this guy like anything other than a murderer.

    Do NOT give whatever "cause" he is acting for the publicity or legitimacy it is seeking by taking these horrible acts onto U.S. soil.

    Above all, do NOT treat this kid like anything beyond the criminal that these charges would make him out to be.

    That is how you demonstrate the superiority of your position. By treating this as nothing more than a criminal proceeding, like the thousands of others that are dealt with each year in the country. It obviously isn't, but by treating it like it is, you minimize the impact and importance of what was done, and thus the "glamour" attributed to the perpetrator is also nil. He becomes, in effect, just another scumbag heading off to jail to rot.
  • SuitedPair wrote: »
    once law enforcement officials start erroding rights this way they will get used to it and invoke the special circumstances when it is convenient instead of when it is warranted.

    This is not new . . . it started with the Patriot Act. This is just the most egregious example to date. There were Libertarian sites calling the "Hold and Secure" request Martial Law . . . they were wrong, but at least they were pointing out what were distinctly "un-American" aspects to the manhunt.

    Either way they need to figure out why this happened. If it was an action that was part of something bigger, hopefully that can be snuffed out. If it is just two individuals with, as Mark said, some sort of unreasonable hatred born out of twisted thinking then it is a bit of piece of mind so everyone doesn't freak out at every public event when someone puts their backpack down.

    Absolutely . . . which is why you treat this kid like any other common criminal, instead of some "rock-star" evil-doer.

    Some US public official said <paraphrase> welcome to the new world of terror, get used to it. scary that someone would think this.....

    How do you think we got to this point? It is like Ben Franklin once said . . . "those who would trade liberty and freedom for a little security, deserve neither".

    The one thing that struck me was reading that the guy in the iconic photo showing the bombing victim in the wheelchair with the guy in the cowboy hat pushing him to medical help is one of the first to point out the current detainee as a suspect. Apparently he awoke from surgery in hospital and wrote down that he saw the guy in the "white hat" place a backpack on the ground and walk away moments before the blast. He gave a good description, as he is quoted as saying that "he looked right into my eyes".

    It made me wonder why anyone would not think to say, "hey, you left your bag . . .", but it also shows that people are more aware of security issues these days.
  • The real question in my mind is: if the FBI had never questioned/interviewed the older brother, would he have ever gone down whatever path that led to the bombing?? Of course we can't answer that for sure, but there may be clues to determine if it was a factor.
  • Having been questioned by the authorities turns you into a terrorist? The folks at the next Royal better be careful then, as I fall into that category, and am long overdue to "go rogue", as it were. My understanding is he was questioned about some postings he made to the web a few years back. Seems like he was heading down this path already . . .
  • It seems that the Russians are better at intelligence than the FBI. Russia alerted the US about Tamerlan Tsarnaev back in 2011, saying that he was a follower of radical Islam and was preparing to leave the US for a particular region to join "unspecified underground groups." Unfortunately, the FBI cleared him just like with other US terrorists Carlos Bledsoe and Major Nidal Hasan. So maybe Tamerlan was free to meet the radical group, train for the attack, and influence his younger brother to join the jihad.

    After the FBI clearances, Carlos Bledsoe went on to kill soldiers at an Arkansas Army recruiting station in 2009; Major Nidal Hasan killed at Fort Hood; Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev terrorized the entire city of Boston last week.

    Read Russia asked FBI to investigate Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2011
    & Did the FBI miss a chance to stop Tamerlan Tsarnaev?
    BrennerM wrote: »
    The real question in my mind is: if the FBI had never questioned/interviewed the older brother, would he have ever gone down whatever path that led to the bombing??
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