Boston or Montreal

It looks like we will FINALLY watch some playoff hockey.

Who do you want Leafs to face first round?
I personally want to see MONTREAL. especially after last night game.

Playoff 2 weeks away for the leafs unless we have 20 wheeler go off track, not likely.
My favor time of the year. love it.


  • Hopefully not a first round exit for the Leafs.
  • Well, you pick Montreal if you want Hellmuth's Mole et al to cry, and Boston if you want to see Str82Ace tearing at his hair.
  • The habs lost 10 games in the short season, 4 of those to the leafs. Go Leafs Go!!
  • bigslik77 wrote: »
    The habs lost 10 games in the short season, 4 of those to the leafs. Go Leafs Go!!

    Leafs and Habs have played 4 times to this point in the season. Habs won 5-2 on one occasion. Math is your friend.
  • This isn't even a question....
    Look at the past match ups... THe leafs beat Boston once this year, not once last year with a few blowouts, if memory serves.
  • is winning the division a realistic goal?
  • My mistake, I still like the leafs odds if they play. leafs probably loose to Boston.
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