PFC NHL Playoff Hockey pool

Is there any interest out there in a hockey pool?
I was thinking of a simple draft....
Rules: if we get 20 people we have two rounds of drafting. the 2nd round the order of selection would be reversed. And each round the entire league is available for selection.

For example Crosby could be selected first overall in the first round and again in the 2nd round by the 20th person as they get to pick first (back to back picks in a sense 20th in 1st round and 1st in 2nd round.

This form is obviously fairly simple, but it can be fun.
A person in mid round say around 10th could possibly pick the same player twice for example Marion Hossa. If Chicago went deep, good chance Hossa scores a few points, x 2 would give you a shot at winning the pool.

Goals = 1 point
Assists = 1 point

I'd suggest $10 per entry winner take all.


  • Jacen299 wrote: »
    Is there any interest out there in a hockey pool?
    I was thinking of a simple draft....
    Rules: if we get 20 people we have two rounds of drafting. the 2nd round the order of selection would be reversed. And each round the entire league is available for selection.

    For example Crosby could be selected first overall in the first round and again in the 2nd round by the 20th person as they get to pick first (back to back picks in a sense 20th in 1st round and 1st in 2nd round.

    This form is obviously fairly simple, but it can be fun.
    A person in mid round say around 10th could possibly pick the same player twice for example Marion Hossa. If Chicago went deep, good chance Hossa scores a few points, x 2 would give you a shot at winning the pool.

    Goals = 1 point
    Assists = 1 point

    I'd suggest $10 per entry winner take all.

    You know what happened the last time somebody tried to run an NHL playoff pool?
  • I don't know. Do tell?
  • The person who ran it absconded with the funds . . . no one is suggesting you would do that of course, merely pointing out the fact that there is a dubious history.
  • Jacen299 wrote: »
    I don't know. Do tell?

    Hint: Don't ask Moose...>:D
  • It's only been a few months of DP. But I'm starting to show trustworthiness. I don't have to be the one whobholdscthe funds. Any interest to have poll or thoughts on format?
  • If it were to happen could it be a straight up draft? No sharing players?

    Just a suggestion but I find those are really the most enjoyable and it really makes you think and the importance of each pick.

    I'd be down either way.
  • I'd be up for a bracket format. Not a big fan of player drafts in the playoffs.
  • Card Dead wrote: »
    I'd be up for a bracket format. Not a big fan of player drafts in the playoffs.

    Me too
  • Bracket like march madness? Scoring system?
  • Card Dead wrote: »
    I'd be up for a bracket format. Not a big fan of player drafts in the playoffs.

    I'd be in as well.
  • Why the dislike for player drafts?
  • Macke wrote: »
    Why the dislike for player drafts?

    To much time and trying to get everyone on the same page on short notice.
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