So lately i've been becoming more concerened with fitness

It is Spring now in Vancouver and i'm getting the bug.. i'm tired of being inside all the time.. I want to get out...only one problem is i'm incredibly out of shape.

Never really knowing exactly how or where to get started I'm always thinking start with the easiest part which I always assume is the diet area.. this seems to be more of a challenge then to be anticipated as I spent a good part of the day just browsing the web (found my way to Body Break.. you guys remember them? Memories of my youth) and reading a good portion of their recipes and stuff and it all looks good....then three hours later or so I find myself eating dinner at A&W....the fuck... sigh week I start eating healthier.

Anyways thats just some of my 3 AM ramblings, maybe I'll look this over tomorrow and clean it up a bit... there any Hal Johnsons willing to give out a little bit of advice?


  • Oh i'm about 6 feet and 160 lbs... so yeah I'm pretty out of shape but not obese or anything, I don't need an oxygen mask after taking a two block stroll to the store to get a box of chips ahoy or something....>_>
  • DDP Yoga . . . look it up. And 6' x 160? You think that's out of shape? Try 6'4" and about 275.
  • Milo wrote: »
    DDP Yoga . . . look it up. And 6' x 160? You think that's out of shape? Try 6'4" and about 275.

    5'8" and 205.

    Start by eliminating sugars and starches, drink as much water as you can and then find a physical activity you enjoy.
  • I wish i was 160 again (being also 6'). Wait a few years :)
  • 6'0 and 225 here, built like a brick shit house

    Every summer I cut back down to 195-200 for my "beach bod" and I just do cardio at the gym and jog the beach after the snow melts

    Really easy to cut weight IMO , never understood people complaining about

    First off , diet:

    For snacks have cottage cheese or Greek yogurt or rice cakes or handful of almonds. For meals have chicken breast or fish . For greens have broccoli or kale. For sides have quinoa or sweet potato . At night instead of snacks have protein shake (water not milk)

    It takes some discipline but after a decent diet it's HARD to eat shit food

    Losing weight takes a ton more effort than being a blob but it's a lifestyle choice
  • After getting a dog I started walking way more. 30 minutes twice a day, and lately I've started jogging too.

    When it really starts getting nice out, you should try hiking. It's free and a nice way to enjoy our scenery. Rollerblading/biking the sea wall is nice too, especially the view.

    Trying out a gym is probably the best way to get in shape though, get a good routine and try to stick with it. It's really hard to get into a groove, but once you do, you start feeling strange if you don't go.

  • 160 for real? I'm 5'10''/11 ish and 225 so you have the benefit of not killing your knees as much should you start running/playing soccer/hockey etc.

    so yeah, eat better, summer bbq is good for that if you don't char the hell out of meats. grilled veggies are spectacular (zuccinni, eggplant, corn on the cob, tomatoes, Avocado - not kidding , )

    do something for like 20 minutes 4-5 times a week or 1/2 hour 3 times a week that gets you breathing hard for cardio fitness. once you can do this it will feel like night and day from how you feel now to then.

    work in some weight bearing activities (lifting weights, cutting wood, tossing around sand bags) keeps you from getting osteoporosis.

    but have fun with it. if it's a chore you won't want to do it.

    set some easy goals and some 'reach' goals and go for it.

    what sports/activities do you like? team stuff or loner stuff? if a loner, then running cycling are great, if not then tennis, volleyball leagues, road hockey soccer
  • Milo wrote: »
    DDP Yoga . . . look it up. And 6' x 160? You think that's out of shape? Try 6'4" and about 275.

    for the lazies DDPYOGA - The Most Complete Fitness System on the Planet!

    yoga instructed by a bad ass.
  • Getting back into sports is something I've wanted to do for a long time.. I know this Summer baseball WILL be played again.

    Like I said I'm obviously not obese by any means.. in fact it wasn't too long ago I was down to like 135 or something.. another end of an extreme... blah
  • At 6', one should weigh at least 185 lbs in my opinion...if one has any degree of muscle...and maybe even if one doesn't.
  • when I was 150ish in highschool it wasn't good, I looked immaciated and almost bent over like my back couldn't hold me up. All depends on the person though with bone build etc.

    I would ask for pics but that would just take this thread in a whole new direction that I'm not going in.

    you a skinny build macke?
  • costanza wrote: »
    For snacks have cottage cheese or Greek yogurt or rice cakes or handful of almonds. For meals have chicken breast or fish . For greens have broccoli or kale. For sides have quinoa or sweet potato . At night instead of snacks have protein shake (water not milk)

    It takes some discipline but after a decent diet it's HARD to eat shit food

    Great post costanza.

    Macke, pick and choose from the suggestions below what you think would be the most tolerable.

    - eat your vegetables, literally, tons of them
    - decrease your portions of meat, and cut down on red meat
    - eat out less, especially fast food
    - plan your meals and snacks ahead of time [1]
    - spices are great for adding flavour, and great for your metabolism
    - educate yourself on the nutrition content of what you're eating [2]
    - think about how much nutrition you're going to get from something before you decide to eat it [3]
    + play sports
    + walk more
    + spend less time sitting down

    1. Having nothing healthy on hand will lead to bad choices when you're feeling lazy. Everyone feels lazy from time to time. I've found when I make one unhealthy choice, it leads to another, and another. Stop the train before it leaves the station.

    2. Google "healthiest vegetables"/fruits/meats/carbs/etc and read some simple charts. There's lots of stuff out there listed from healthiest to least. You'll see how good costanza's list is.

    3. Not the second before you bite into something. Think about this *when you are deciding what to eat*. Any later than that and it's too late. I've found it helps to think about what you're doing later today and tomorrow. Ask yourself "would I rather have low energy or high energy for that?" and then eat accordingly.

    Rome wasn't built in a day. Try to replace your old unhealthy habits one at a time with new healthy ones. I've found trying to change too much at once leads to complete failure.

  • I can vouch for the DDP Yoga

    I downloaded it (pirate bay torrents) about 2 months ago when I was starting to rack up some injuries (ankles were brutal - immobilizing, knee was banged up, and carrying around more stress than I knew about). At my job we actually managed to get some Yoga instructors to come in and for free give a session a month to the kiddos, and we get to participate too. Between that and the DDP, I've been able to rehab most of my injuries and you'll be surprised the first time your neck / back truly realigns (I've never gone to a chiropractor, but I can only assume it's a similar feeling). I'm back to playing ball hockey 2-3 times a week, even on concrete floors.

    Downloading it you don't get any of the accessories, but I find that it's mostly just a heart rate monitor. And yes, if you watch even the first video, you'll see there is a cardio benefit.

  • 5'10" and around 180lbs here. i could definitely lose a few pounds (on account of having absolutely no muscles). my problem is beer is plentiful in my country :( and i'm pretty friggin' lazy.
  • trigs wrote: »
    5'10" and around 180lbs here. i could definitely lose a few pounds (on account of having absolutely no muscles). my problem is beer is plentiful in my country :( and i'm pretty friggin' lazy.

    Fun fact. Muscle weighs more that fat.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Fun fact. Muscle weighs more that fat.

    yup. hence why i could lose a few pounds. if i had any muscles i'd probably be fine with my weight. skinny arms and legs don't match with a fat belly and ass. not to mention, i tend to show a lot of weight in my face. not the best place to gain weight i'd say.
  • 5'10" 222lbs. Would be down to 210lbs easily if I cut my hair but fuck that noise!

    Currently work is doing a challenge for all of the stores to get our teams doing 30 minutes of activity every day. So far at 0 but we only started yesterday :)
  • +1 on the gym routine. Set a plan and stick to it, becomes very hard to sit on the couch guilt free.
  • Has anyone tried P90x?

    Currently on day 7, and its pretty good after the first few.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Has anyone tried P90x?

    Currently on day 7, and its pretty good after the first few.

    personally haven't tried it, but a few friends have and all have said it works great.
  • I did it 4 years ago. It works.

    I lost 17 lb in the first month.

    Don't cheat on the nutrition plan.
  • I did P90X for a little while. I did not like the fact that they recommend using their supplements which contain creatine though. The routines are great though, especially if you have limited weights and equipment or gym access.

    Anyone tried Insanity?
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Has anyone tried P90x?

    Currently on day 7, and its pretty good after the first few.

    Just looked at some vids online - looks impressive. Did you order the system off the internet? And are you taking the supplements too?

    Good luck with it!
  • Just looked at some vids online - looks impressive. Did you order the system off the internet? And are you taking the supplements too?

    Good luck with it!

    By "ordered" do you mean "pirate downloaded"? If so, then yes!

    I take my own mix of supplements, so Im not too worried about that end of it.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    By "ordered" do you mean "pirate downloaded"? If so, then yes!

    I take my own mix of supplements, so Im not too worried about that end of it.

    Link or torrent please?
  • And remember . . . dynamic stretching good, static stretching bad.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Fun fact. Muscle weighs more that fat.

    No it doesn't. Muscle is more dense than fat, therefore a pound of muscle is smaller than a pound of fat, but they are both a pound.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  • Onto Week 4 of P90x.

    I still dont notice the difference from a physical standpoint (from most accounts in online forums the visual happens around day 45-55.

    My weight has dropped 5-6lbs, but I didnt consider myself in the weight loss category, more the tone up.

    I feel less bad after the workouts since I ordered the recovery formula.

    I also dont find them as difficult as I did in week 1.
  • Eat protein and fiber at every meal. Someone suggested Rice cakes I would avoid them, they aren't bad for you but they are devoid of any substance. People eat them as snack to fill them till next meal but from experience i can tell you that's not true. Stick with protein and fibre every meal. Make smoothies with vegetables and protein and fiber. (apple, bannana, greek yogurt is great) Chicken shrimp and salmon are good. tuna on occassion. brown rice is good.
    As for exercise, just walk, especially if you are out of shape, trying to workout when out of shape will likely result in injury and then you quit. Aim to walk 6km a day, it's really not that hard. Then start some resistance training with little to no weight to start.
  • Ercules wrote: »
    Eat protein and fiber at every meal. Someone suggested Rice cakes I would avoid them, they aren't bad for you but they are devoid of any substance. People eat them as snack to fill them till next meal but from experience i can tell you that's not true. Stick with protein and fibre every meal. Make smoothies with vegetables and protein and fiber. (apple, bannana, greek yogurt is great) Chicken shrimp and salmon are good. tuna on occassion. brown rice is good.
    As for exercise, just walk, especially if you are out of shape, trying to workout when out of shape will likely result in injury and then you quit. Aim to walk 6km a day, it's really not that hard. Then start some resistance training with little to no weight to start.

    Made a couple smothies lately... low fat frozen yogurt, a banana, egg whites and Orange Juice....was good.

    and when it hink of frozen yogurt I kind of think cream but it says it is 98% fat free on the box >_>
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