

  • If you're serious about improving your game I think you need a program like Poker Tracker 4 or Holdem Manager 2, both have 30 day free trials. Try them see what suits your needs best.
  • Absolutely necessary in today's games. If your playing more than 4 tables than it will pay for itself very quickly. Also, as poster stated above there are free trials so you really have nothing to lose!
  • Why does it help if playing 4 tables or more? Just curious.
  • What do you play? Regularly?
  • Lately I've been playing 1 table SNG's almost exclusively.

    Cour supérieure du Québec
    District de Montréal

    N°: 500-06-000578-118

    lntérêt sur les fonds bloqués par Full Tilt Poker entre le 29 juin 2011 et le 6 novembre 2012.


    En raison du désistement autorisé par Ia Cour supérieure le 25 septembre 2015, les effets de l'article 2908 du Code civil du Québec ont cessé et le délai de prescription a recommencé à courir. Veuillez tenir compte de ce changement si vous entendez instituer une poursuite judiciaire contre l'une des intimées concernant les faits allégués [intérêt dû sur des fonds bloqués dans le compte de Full Tilt Poker entre le 26 juin 2011 et le 6 novembre 2012].

    Le texte integral du jugement du 25 septembre 2015 est disponible notamment sur le site internet des avocats des membres, à


    Superior Court of Quebec
    District of Montreal
    N°: 500-06-000578-118

    Interest on money held by Full Tilt Poker from June 29, 2011 until November 6, 2012.


    By reason of the discontinuance authorized by the Superior Court on September 25, 2015, the operation of Article 2908 of the Civil Code of Quebec has ceased and prescription has started to run again. Please take this change into account if you wish to institute court proceedings against one of the respondents concerning the facts alleged [interest due on moneys withheld by Full Tilt Poker in its account from June 29, 2011 until November 6, 2012].

    The full text of the judgment of September 25, 2015 is available on the website of class counsel, at
  • Fed in tha house!!!
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