HR Help Needed

So things have changed for me here in Korea. The principal has asked me to take over his day to day duties at the school. They have had re problems with organization of how to run their school so I have agreed to take over the day to day duties including hiring. Never had to interview someone for a job. Anyone can recommend good HR forms for reference checks, questions to ask etc. websites I should be looking at would be appreciated.

I was just getting use to have a little bit of a life. I am guessing that is going out the window. Spent the last two days at the computer going over P&P, job descriptions organization structure etc. Things are so out of date.



  • Not sure if it applies in Korea, but if you're not on LinkedIn yet, I recommend checking it out. There are some great resources and groups you can find that can help you out. You'll need to build a network, and although some say LinkedIn is too low key, I have found it a great resource for my new shipping duties as well as for AS9100C information. I would think they would have even MORE references for HR material as most of the community is HR based in one form or another.

    Good luck, and congradulations on the new role!
  • I think your starting point should be familiarizing yourself with hiring laws and regs of your jurisdiction. This is especially important if you fall into Korean jurisdiction. As a person who has been the interviewee before, you probably have some familiarity with Canadian procedures, however, being on the other side of the table carries a lot of responsibility. The labour law is definitely where I'd start.

    There is lots of reference material online, but I'd look for HR textbooks and materials used in University Business Programs. This will give you an overall guide to building a comprehensive hiring and talent management program, from establishing the Roles and Responsibilities of each position, to the KSA's (Knowledge Skills Abilities) required for each, and then through the hiring, interviewing, ands selection process.

    You can also check out the CHRP website for reference materials.

    It's a lot of work if you're starting from scratch, which it sounds like you might be.
  • hiring foreign teachers for south korea checklist:

    [ ] teacher's native language is English
    [ ] teacher has any degree of any kind from any college or university on the planet
    [ ] teacher is white

    find someone who fits all of the above and you're good to go. that's all you need to be a teacher in south korea. at least that was my experience.
  • Thanks for the input. Have already started putting things in order. Should be interesting to say the least.
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