~Adventures with Shar~

Hi everyone!

I know its been far too long between visits so I thought while I had a bit of time before work, I would come in and visit!

It has been quite a roller coaster for me since November. Managing a hotel/bar at night is both the most fun and most exhausting job I have ever had, and I love it (99% of the time)!! It does create quite a different lifestyle even for me, the worlds biggest night owl. Having coffee/tea and visiting with my boy at 3am is not uncommon anymore lol.

After my holidays in November, we have had a string of staff moving on and the hours have been sometimes long and always changing. For a few months we had issues with a staff member that came to a head right in the middle of Christmas Holidays. This particular staff member became irate with me, threatened then assaulted me. Fortunately, it was on camera, and there were many witnesses as it was on a Friday Night and occured in the bar.

I charged her with assault and the RCMP also ended up charging her as well as she was threatening me in the car as they questioned her. This was a complicated situation as she also lives upstairs and takes care of the hotel cleaning and my boss was on vacation. She was suspended from duty and subsequently fired for her actions, but now much work was to be covered.

I have a small but amazing group of girls who work for me and they were all more than happy to help in any way and we all got through the rest of the holidays without incident. Now the biggest hurdle is to get the new girls trained up so that regular scheduled shifts can be enjoyed...atleast for a while :)

Other than work, I really have not had much time to do anything other than sleep but I am slowly working back into that too. Without as much stress as the past couple months I have found I am not needing to sleep as much. Winter doesnt help that but the days are getting longer and that in itself gives me more energy! I even tried curling for the first time in my life a couple weeks ago...and what a freakin hoot!!! I couldn't walk properly for a week after, but I am sure that will go away eventually lol.

I do regret that my time has taken away from me something I will always enjoy and that is reading about and talking to all you crazy people! I am glad that it is only short term that these breaks happen and its nice to see that the crazy bar around here hasn't changed.

I would also like to take care of some housekeeping. I know that my absence was sudden and I may have missed taking care of a few things. I hope you all know that I would not intentionally miss something but if there is any business regarding home games, or forum bap games that I have not yet attended to, please pm me and I will take care of it right away. I would also like to thank everyone that has been helping take care of those games. It is nice to see the home games still going on and as far as the BAP games, they will be updated and perhaps revamped but that can be talked about later.

I never even did get to post my tournament report from the series in November, and I realllllllly wanted to. There was one story inparticular that I really wanted to tell, and that was the story of "Claude".

Unintentionally, my live poker alter ego was born in November. One of my waitressess had brought some gag mustache glasses in for "Movember". The day before the tournament, I stuck a pair in my purse, thinking it might be fun at some point to put em on.

Welll OMG...

It was a few hours into the bounty tournament on the first day. There was a lot of yacking going on and ofcourse the regular ones who were trying to be annoying etc etc. One guy inparticular couldn't get any cockier and just would not shut up. I hadn't played to much and got into a pot with him...now I can't remember for the life of me the hand, but after the flop I slyly put my mustache glasses on. I looked at him and started talking being as serious as can be. The table bursts out laughing and he obviously can't focus. By the river, I know he bet out I raise, he folds and I win. I do a pretend mustache twirl and ask him if he "wants to borrow my balls for next time...I keep em in my purse", take off my glasses and continue playing after another round of laughter ;)

I kept using my glasses for the whole series and at one point was asking people if they wanted a mustache ride!! I found it a very effective tool tho that was not my intention at all. I plan on one day having a pair of Blue Shark Optics custom made with a detachable stache part so I can have many different faces lol!!! By the end of the series the guys were calling me Claude everytime I put the glasses on, and that is how he was born. I was going to do a blog or something starting with atleast 2 live casino tournaments a month outlining the ~Adventures with Shar and Claude~ in the New Year but unfortunately I just haven't had the time yet, but I hope to be able to come up with something...just too funny not to :)

I now have a collection, and a box that contains the "Many faces of Claude" and I can't wait to bring him out to play again!

Anyways, this is it for the lastest edition of ~Adventures with Shar~ as I see it is time to get ready for work! Miss you guys and as always....

Happy Chip Hunting!!!



  • I sense some multi-accounting in your future. Claude needs to sign up . . .
  • So your poker playing alter ego is Mr. Potato Head...
  • Wow, right on the verge of a tl;dr but I'm glad I did finish it. Funny story.

    Nice to hear from you, Shar.
  • shar always delivers

    wonder if a pair of fake boobs would get me a similar advantage at the table....
  • You're a big enough boob already . . . any advantage so far?
  • wb Shar, you were missed... There have been some "other" characters on the forum lately that were driving people away but you have the opposite effect...:p
  • Milo wrote: »
    You're a big enough boob already . . . any advantage so far?

    well played sir, well played.
  • Net was wide open, I had to take the shot . . .
  • Very funny story.

    Welcome back, Shar!
  • I'm glad to be back....and yeah...I don't drive people anywhere but to drink Comp!!

    Think I need to do some reading and catch up on the crazy goings on around here.......

    Maybe I will just skim....
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