Chinese Poker - any fans?

Noticed a lot of people playing open face chinese poker at the PCA. Think this craze will continue? anyone a fan of this version or regular Chinese? Be interesting to see if they add an event this year at the WSOP. They use to offer it years ago but I guess the fad died at some point and some of the pros are trying to revive it.


  • Have not played regular Chinese but I find OFC incredibly fun. It has several advantages that make it an easy game to play. All the cards are played face up so beginners can quickly see how other people are playing their cards. All the cards are in play so everyone can calculate exactly how many outs remain. The betting is extremely simple and there is no betting rounds or bluffing.

    In addition you only need four people to play and can easily be played 3 handed or heads up.

    I can definitely see OFC as rejunvenating an interest in poker.
  • Need to learn

    Scared tho, hear it's addictive
  • costanza wrote: »
    Need to learn

    Scared tho, hear it's addictive

    you will have to change your twitter account to @playopenface247

    So for the tournaments, the points go up like the blinds? Must take a long time to finish a tournament. Wonder if open face could be turned into a tournament format?
  • Seems less like "poker" and more like degen gambooling to me.

    Still looks like fun though.
  • I play a version of chinese on 3 people, each gets 5 cards put them in 3 rows like normal chinese then everyone gets dealt the rest of the cards 1 by 1 and put them down 1 by 1. Some additional bonuses are in play but its a really fun version
  • Richard~ wrote: »
    I play a version of chinese on 3 people, each gets 5 cards put them in 3 rows like normal chinese then everyone gets dealt the rest of the cards 1 by 1 and put them down 1 by 1. Some additional bonuses are in play but its a really fun version

    This is Open Face Chinese Poker.
  • I play all 3 forms with friends, hi only, 72 lowball in the middle, and open face. I usually play with poker buddies when we want to gamble but don't wanna play a game we play regularly in casinos. Pretty fun, open face obv has the highest skill element because of all the decisions, next would be 72 lowball in the middle and last would be high, open face will be around for a while and it's most popular because of the crazy swings
  • Chinese is the only game my gf will play. Gonna have to try OF.
  • Cardrunners is offering a free tutorial video on OFC for those wanting to learn the basics.

    Just an FYI for forum members...
  • Btw a word of warning to those thinking about gambling on the iPhone/iPad open face Chinese app

    Don't get cheated on the Open-Face Chinese app -
  • I love chines poker!!! face up is awesome.
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