
  • We should go
  • I vote we send an emissary first. I think Costanza would be a fine choice.
  • Milo wrote: »
    I vote we send an emissary first. I think Costanza would be a fine choice.
    Damn, I got reported again.. And here I thought I was being nice supporting a PFC member..
  • compuease wrote: »
    Damn, I got reported again.. And here I thought I was being nice supporting a PFC member..

    Double reported. This is troubling?
  • Double reported. This is troubling?

    If this wasn't GTA's thread we might be in trouble for the now triple reporting, however I think he doesn't mind derails... Who's turn is it now? I've lost track..>:D
  • compuease wrote: »
    If this wasn't GTA's thread we might be in trouble for the now triple reporting, however I think he doesn't mind derails... Who's turn is it now? I've lost track..>:D

  • Reported.

    Just looked at the "reported" stats and of the last 23 reported notifications, costanza has 21 of them and likely the other 2 are someone else reporting him. This is just in the last 2 months. Kinda tells us who is generating work for us so that we can continue to get our huge salaries...
  • His momz didn't love him enough
  • So ronery . . .
  • Just a note to other people who might be viewing this thread

    Reporting anything at all does sweet fuck all. FUCK all

    On with the thread, after another excellent derail by the boys in green.

    Carry on.
  • If u guys dont watch it I'm gonna pull a philli and not give into the man :D
  • costanza wrote: »
    Just a note to other people who might be viewing this thread

    Reporting anything at all does sweet fuck all. FUCK all

    On with the thread, after another excellent derail by the boys in green.

    Carry on.

    Try reporting something other than "Hey, this is an injustice! Someone touched me with a sanitary baby wipe! I'm offended!" and maybe we'll care more. We know the extent to which you can put up with. Don't play the fool.

    You enjoy this, and this will be your downfall if you allow it to be.
  • Try reporting something other than "Hey, this is an injustice! Someone touched me with a sanitary baby wipe! I'm offended!" and maybe we'll care more. We know the extent to which you can put up with. Don't play the fool.

    You enjoy this, and this will be your downfall if you allow it to be.

    I don't think he can fall downwards from his current position...graph?
  • Sooo we're not going?
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