Red Light Camera - Fight or not worth my time

Anyone have any experience fighting a red light camera charge??

According to a notice that I received in the mail today, I entered an intersection

0.2 seconds!!!

too late, and thus have to pay a $325 fine.

Obviously I'm supposed to have super human reaction times on a day where the roads were partially slippery.

Is it worth my time to go to court and try to fight the charge - or am I s.o.l. ??

This would be my first offence other than a speeding ticket 15 years ago.

If anyone has any advice other than "F the police" it would be appreciated!!



  • Usually if you show up, crown will take a guilty before you see the judge, cut it I half and drop demerits type deal. They will "usually "barter" a bit, but they set terms
  • DataMn wrote: »
    Anyone have any experience fighting a red light camera charge??

    According to a notice that I received in the mail today, I entered an intersection

    0.2 seconds!!!

    too late, and thus have to pay a $325 fine.

    Obviously I'm supposed to have super human reaction times on a day where the roads were partially slippery.

    Is it worth my time to go to court and try to fight the charge - or am I s.o.l. ??

    This would be my first offence other than a speeding ticket 15 years ago.

    If anyone has any advice other than "F the police" it would be appreciated!!


    let's see .2 sec is about 1/2 a car length at 60km an hour. However the .2 sec means you entered the intersection after the light turned red, or at least that's how it was explained to me several years ago. (not that I ever did that personally:)). I would go to court, take your babies with you, one under each arm and throw yourself on the mercy of the court... Almost for sure you will get a deal reducing the fine or points or both..

    The usual disclaimer, I am not a lawyer, yadda yadda yadda....

    Hope you get out in time to TD Royal Cup XIV though...:)
  • Just so that everyone knows, there are no points involved, and it doesn't get reported to the insurance companies when this happens in Ontario - since there is no way to prove you we're driving at the time. It gets charged to the car like a parking ticket.

    Info from both XCopper and the Region of Waterloo website.
  • You have nothing to lose in fighting it and it may get reduced. I have not heard of a fine going up because someone went to court.
  • That blows. I would fight it.

    Where did this happen?
  • check this out, its a really good resource. However, since they cannot prove you were driving and there are no points involved, is it really worth going to court saying "yes i was the one driving, but i couldnt stop in time sooooo." also they have photo proof, unlike in the conventional way its your word vs the cops and with a lawyer and proper questioning can prove that you were not able to stop and the ticket was given through discretion.

    Personally I would pay it, be done with it, remember where the camera is and avoid that intersection like the plague lol. But if you want to fight it, check out that website it can really help, its helped me a lot fight tickets. (not that i have a ton of tickets)
  • Given your driving record Al, I'd go with others and say show up with the kids. I can't see them not reducing the fine to some extent. Obviously mention road conditions, etc.

    Now if you have to miss work, or it's a pain in some other way... Just pay it.
  • If you have ever been to traffic court, its a complete joke. Almost every ticket gets reduced. When I was there, this guy was arguing a ticket for parking in a handicap zone. He left his small children in the car to get something in the store. The judge was like, "you left your kids in the car??". He still got the ticket reduced. I would just say you didn't want to slam on your breaks given the bad weather conditions and slide into the middle of the intersection.
  • Late for scrabble club?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    That blows. I would fight it.

    Where did this happen?

    King & Erb in Waterloo.
  • Like any poker calculation you have to weigh the money lost due to leaving work (if any) against the money saved by bargaining the fine down. If it is not going to cost you anything in terms of lost wages, I would go, just to get the fine reduced. With no demerit points being involved there is no point in a Paralegal, as the cost outweighs the savings.
  • When I was still working as an Ins Adjuster I went in with my diagram of the intersection, wet road stopping distances etc...Judge laughed and said "the Jetta beside you stopped..."

    I then said I can't afford it..

    Ticket was cut in half, extra 90 days to pay along with making a donation to Woman's Shelter before leaving court. (this was 9 yrs ago).
    My dad went a month ago, ticket cut in half even after Prosector gave times for the light blah blah..

    Its worth it to go and state your case, no need to make shit up or use xcopper. They'll reduce it.
  • Everyone forgets that you have to factor in your time. I have no idea what the wait time is like at traffic court, but if I have to drive to wherever and am waiting more than a couple of hours to save $100 then I'm just paying the ticket...I'd rather just go play poker for 2 hours for the $100;)
  • just plead not hopefully won't even get to traffic court. They'll send you an offer to come in and meet the crown. He'll tell you how your offense is serious but in the interest of saving you time (ie saving him from having to appear and prepare for your case) he'll offer you a lower fine to just to get rid of you. Don't ask me how I know (it's happened to me twice).
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Everyone forgets that you have to factor in your time. I have no idea what the wait time is like at traffic court, but if I have to drive to wherever and am waiting more than a couple of hours to save $100 then I'm just paying the ticket...I'd rather just go play poker for 2 hours for the $100;)

    You don't have to go....
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    just plead not hopefully won't even get to traffic court. They'll send you an offer to come in and meet the crown. He'll tell you how your offense is serious but in the interest of saving you time (ie saving him from having to appear and prepare for your case) he'll offer you a lower fine to just to get rid of you. Don't ask me how I know (it's happened to me twice).

    I'm quite amazed by this to be honest....unless you live in a very small town.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I'd rather just go play poker for 2 hours for the $100;)

    [ ] pro
  • I think what they want is you to be a bit more defensive in your driving on a day where the roads are slippery :P
  • Richard~ wrote: »
    I think what they want is you to be a bit more defensive in your driving on a day where the roads are slippery :P

    Red light cameras are a cash grab by greedy governments. Most of the initial studies show that accidents actually increased at intersection where they are in use.
  • SuperNed wrote: »
    I'm quite amazed by this to be honest....unless you live in a very small town.

    Happens all the time if you have a good record. Plead not guilty and they call you in for "resolution" Crown is just trying to save time/money.
  • richard~ wrote: »
    i think what they want is <b>your money</b> :p

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