February 10

Mark your calendar for Sunday Feb 10th

That is the date for the 2nd of 3 events in the Hat Trick series.

The first event was this past Saturday (Jan26th).

Carey Price, Brendan Gallagher, Travis Moen, and Josh Gorges were all on hand and played for a couple of hours.

It was pretty cool to be able to rub elbows with the boys.

You can see some of the photos here: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=498246446892588&set=a.498246393559260.130316.115926758457894&type=1&theater#!/media/set/?set=a.498246393559260.130316.115926758457894&type=3

PM me for tickets for the event.


  • will the candien players be attending each event?
  • Yep, there will be Habs at each event. It might not be the same ones though.

    Pacioretty was unable to attend the first event due to his injury but I know he is supposed to be at event 2.

    Here is an ad they are running http://www.facebook.com/?ref=tn_tnmn#!/photo.php?v=10151239878207233&set=vb.172395529457654&type=2&theater
  • Just a quick update on the Habs who will be attending...

    I received the following:

    "We have Yvon Lambert, Josh Gorges, Travis Moen, Max Pacioretty and Guy Carbonneau. Guy Lafleur will be at either this one or the third event and I am pushing hard to get us more attention and more Habs.... David Desharnais as well as Brandon Prust are big maybes as well"

    PM me for tickets
  • Brendan Gallagher and David Desharnais are now confirmed.

    Get your tickets through me.
  • Also announcing the Hat Trick promo.
    Swap out your facebook profile and/or cover photo for the ones we have on our page and win you way into Event #2 of the series!
    We will be randomly selecting 2 participants to win an entry, a rebuy AND an add-on, a $300 value!
    You've got to like the photos on our page though, otherwise we won't know that you participated.
    Good luck!
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