Team Canuck Poker and all_aces

He's on the squad. His photo and bio at:

Now... if I can just find some sponsors and we can just win the WSOP.


  • Very nice. Congrats to Devin...not sure what it means but your in good company.
  • Thanks very much guys. I'm thrilled to be a member of TCP. Like sweetjimmi, I'm not sure what it means either, but I can tell you that I'm damn proud.
  • Awesome, congrats dude!

    I think it means you now have Beaver-nature or something like that. :)

  • Beaver-nature

    Does this not mean Canadian in Frech?
  • sweetjimmi wrote:
    Does this not mean Canadian in Frech?

    I think it's like the Zen version of being Canadian.

  • I think it means you now have Beaver-nature or something like that.
    SCARY beaver-nature, if you go by the team's motto: "Fear the beaver, baby. Fear the beaver."

    Ahhh.... so many tasteless jokes milling about in my head, and so little time.... :smile:
  • Congradulations all_aces. A great addition to an already great looking team.

    Now go make us proud!!!
  • Congrats aces. Cool team, warm beaver (I couldn't resist) make for an awesome combination. Now, if I can only win another entry this year I can apply for the team sparring partner.

  • With beavers as the motto, you'll be the best players by a damn site. hehe
  • My dream is to one day be a member of Team Canuck. The name rocks and nothing can beat that beaver logo :). Congrats All_aces.

  • Thanks guys. It's an honour, and yes, the logo can't be beat!

    As a sidenote, I had my first interview on MOJO in Toronto this morning. It was more nerve-wracking than I thought, but my mom tells me I did just fine. I think she's biased, though. Q107 tomorrow morning, and I have assured the people at Blue that I'll be perfect by the last one. :wink:
  • I'm talking to Q107 in Calgary tomorrow. Although, it might not air until Monday.

    And, I don't get too nervous about being on radio.
  • LOL... this from a morning radio show host. Looks like a fun job! John Oakley was very nice to me throughout the interview; hopefully the rest of the hosts are as well.
  • Any idea when you are going to be on tomorrow?

    Congrats and good luck to the entire team!
  • ScottyZ wrote:
    Awesome, congrats dude!

    I think it means you now have Beaver-nature or something like that. :)

    LOL :D

    congrats all_aces :smile::smile:

    do y'all have to wear a TCP jersey at the WSOP :spade:
  • I hope so! A TCP hockey jersey would be awesome! (hint. hint.)
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