New Year's Resolutions (Poker Only!)

Happy New Year to everyone on PFC!

Want this to be a thread about poker resolutions.Things like: log more hours, read more books, online training...etc.

While losing weight and drinking less are great resolutions, let's talk about things that will help improve our games!

The Gorilla wants to start utilizing an online poker tracker to help streamline results and notes from my sessions. I've done it with spreadsheets and word docs over the years, but want to maximize my time and input the data immediately instead of waiting a week or two to review hand written notes.

Holdem Manager or PokerTracker...other? Any insights on these programs are greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  • You could read this thread.

    The answers to your Holdem Mgr etc, wouldn't belong in this thread by your own definition of it. Lots of this discussion under "Online Poker" tab.
  • Wolffhound wrote: »
    You could read this thread.

    The answers to your Holdem Mgr etc, wouldn't belong in this thread by your own definition of it. Lots of this discussion under "Online Poker" tab.

    Thanks for the additional thread...didn't see it when I did a quick search for "resolutions"...and will check out the Online tab.

    As far as my own was aimed at poker resolutions (not lifestyle), tracking play and improving game fits my intent.

    Good luck at the tables!
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