Words with Friends



  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Worst case scenario harm reduction?

    Ban costanza before we lose GTA


    not worried about GTA, he's sane...
  • If banning me will cause more peace and will calm everyone down then go ahead and do it for a while

    I really dont want to ruffle feathers.

    im a clown and troll sometimes to have fun, but i dont actually mean any harm to anyone

    im a real person and have emotions and shit too, im not some person that can keep being kicked.. especially by people that i thought were my friends (steve, jules)

    go ahead and ban me, its ok.

  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I honestly feel bad for him, so if this outlet somehow appeases him in real life then let him stay.

    I don't see how this would appease him and it certainly doesn't make the board a better place. I have a feeling I'm probably on the same flight as him from Van to Toronto tonight...maybe I should try an intervention ^-^
  • costanza wrote: »
    If banning me will cause more peace and will calm everyone down then go ahead and do it for a while

    I really dont want to ruffle feathers.

    im a clown and troll sometimes to have fun, but i dont actually mean any harm to anyone

    im a real person and have emotions and shit too, im not some person that can keep being kicked.. especially by people that i thought were my friends (steve, jules)

    go ahead and ban me, its ok.


    Almost shed a few tears there lol
  • man, this is too heavy.... I really would like to help, and have been trying offline, but don't think I'm capable...
  • In all seriousness, I think we might be doing Costanza a favour by banning him. There are definitely issues with the young man that will likely be exacerbated by his continued presence.

    Call it a mercy-ban.
  • as i said if it would make every one happy and im not wanted here then go ahead and ban me, im ok with it.

    i dont know why i act so retarded online, im a real nice guy IRL and im not just saying that.

    i had no idea i was hated so much. i just try to be myself and if thats an unlikeable person and im unwanted then im not to sure what to think. never tried to hurt anyone.

  • Most of us don't HATE you, dumbass . . . we actually feel SORRY for you. Your inability to note the difference is remarkable, but not surprising.
  • Hate is such a strong word. I just think the threads always get derailed by something either about you or actually you. Even I can't resist going at you sometimes....yes...even me ^-^
    I don't think the message board is a positive in your life, and overall most of your posts end up destroying any meaningful conversation that may be going on.
  • costanza wrote: »
    as i said if it would make every one happy and im not wanted here then go ahead and ban me, im ok with it.

    i dont know why i act so retarded online, im a real nice guy IRL and im not just saying that.

    i had no idea i was hated so much. i just try to be myself and if thats an unlikeable person and im unwanted then im not to sure what to think. never tried to hurt anyone.


    Mike, I've tole you many time in the Skype chat, your not hurting anyone. But you act completely opposite of yourself like your trying to impress people. Asking me to rail you playing 50/50 when you know games are running to act baller is not being yourself. There is def no way I can believe you traveled30 min in be to see us and forgot to bring 2 IDs that many times knowing we go to casino. Just stop the charades already.
  • um...so no one wants to play words with friends?

    fk u trigs
  • Mike, I've tole you many time in the Skype chat, your not hurting anyone. But you act completely opposite of yourself like your trying to impress people. Asking me to rail you playing 50/50 when you know games are running to act baller is not being yourself. There is def no way I can believe you traveled30 min in be to see us and forgot to bring 2 IDs that many times knowing we go to casino. Just stop the charades already.

    not even gonna make excuses steve.. sorry for being a joke to you.

    half those times i was treading water with my BR and didnt even want to go to casino... couldnt afford it at that time.

    now that things are going well for me and i can hopefully get your respect by playing high , its at the wrong time.. shits so fucked up.

    just didnt know how to tell ya without you being mad a me.
  • I'd play, but I have no cellie . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    I'd play, but I have no cellie . . .

    you can use rotary

  • costanza wrote: »
    not even gonna make excuses steve.. sorry for being a joke to you.

    half those times i was treading water with my BR and didnt even want to go to casino... couldnt afford it at that time.

    now that things are going well for me and i can hopefully get your respect by playing high , its at the wrong time.. shits so fucked up.

    just didnt know how to tell ya without you being mad a me.

    Well, if you cannot be HONEST with your friends . . . seriously, go away. Not because anyone here "hates" you, but because you are clearly incapable of functioning on a mature enough level to deal with the standard BS that the rest of us seem to just let roll over us.

  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    you can use rotary


    I asked about rotary service at my local outlet, you would not believe what she wanted to charge me . . . at least it was an hourly rate, but still.
  • I think we need a "GTA Poker Haters Post HERE" thread so all this garbage can go in one place. Obviously GTA, you are doing something wrong to get under all of these people's skin. We need a giraffe of your arrogance.
  • mercy-ban....mercy-Ban....Mercy-Ban....MERCY-BAN!!!!
    Everyone join in :) it's for Costanza's own good. Seriously I do think it's for the best. The bs has to stop.
  • look everyone, either Mike is playing a big charade, or he really is in trouble emotionally... I just don't have the expertise to know... Mike, if you want to take this offline, away from the forum, I will try to help... Pretending to play big stakes will not impress anyone... least of all me.. As I have said to you numerous times, poker or this forum is very unimportant in the grand scheme of things.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    I think we need a "GTA Poker Haters Post HERE" thread so all this garbage can go in one place. Obviously GTA, you are doing something wrong to get under all of these people's skin. We need a giraffe of your arrogance.

    Which people are you referring to?

  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    I think we need a "GTA Poker Haters Post HERE" thread so all this garbage can go in one place. Obviously GTA, you are doing something wrong to get under all of these people's skin. We need a giraffe of your arrogance.

    That's just stupid Jim...
  • costanza wrote: »
    not even gonna make excuses steve.. sorry for being a joke to you.

    half those times i was treading water with my BR and didnt even want to go to casino... couldnt afford it at that time.

    now that things are going well for me and i can hopefully get your respect by playing high , its at the wrong time.. shits so fucked up.

    just didnt know how to tell ya without you being mad a me.

    Yes mike. We all knew you couldn't afford it. But we want you to be ale too tell the truth and not lie. I don't respect people because they gamble and play in high stakes games lol. I respect people who can be themselves and be honest not only with me but to themselves. Why would I be mad at you for being broke lol I've been broke before and it was my friends that where there to help me out which has gotten me to where I am now lol.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    I think we need a "GTA Poker Haters Post HERE" thread so all this garbage can go in one place. Obviously GTA, you are doing something wrong to get under all of these people's skin. We need a giraffe of your arrogance.

    No . . . we've pretty much narrowed it down to you and Costanza, for the most part.

    As for any perceived arrogance, I quote Reggie Jackson:

    "It ain't bragging, if you can do it."
  • Happy Festivus everyone!

    Next the feats of strength!
  • Just read comp's next to last post, itt. Might I suggest we all just cool this off for the night? Just STOP posting, regardless of Costanza's responses? Good night.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Happy Festivus everyone!

    Next the feats of strength!

    anyone ever seen me bench 3 times my weight?
  • Yes mike. We all knew you couldn't afford it. But we want you to be ale too tell the truth and not lie. I don't respect people because they gamble and play in high stakes games lol. I respect people who can be themselves and be honest not only with me but to themselves. Why would I be mad at you for being broke lol I've been broke before and it was my friends that where there to help me out which has gotten me to where I am now lol.

    The problem with serial bullshitters is they think everyone around them is operating at the same level as them, and in most cases everyone is two steps ahead of them and know they are full of shit (usually it's not those at the top of the evolutionary scale who feel the need to bullshit constantly). I always find serial bullshitters insulting...that they think they are fooling people. Most of the time people are just too kind or tired of calling them out on their lies.
  • compuease wrote: »
    anyone ever seen me bench 3 times my weight?

    I hear Costanza can lift 100# right over his head!

    Cynthia: What does he look like?

    Elaine: Um, well, he's got a lot of character in his face. Um, he's short. Um, he's stocky.

    Cynthia: Fat. Is that what you're saying, that he's fat?

    Elaine: Powerful. He is so powerful, he can lift a hundred pounds right up over his head.
  • Dave, you just have a way of getting under people's skin. Your a middle aged professional vet (earning over $200k a year, with a win rate of $50/hr+ at 1/2, looking for a new car, living in sunny California) and you have nothing better to do with your time than break some young guy's balls? Fucking grow up already and go bang some Mobster's Asian ex girlfriend.
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