
need something to watch



  • This was horrible idea

    Snowing like crazy roads r shit
  • Two older shows with mulitple seasons and lot's of episodes I'm watching now are Lost (very addictive show...don't want to discuss it though or whatever lame ending there may be as I'm only on season 3 and am avoiding any 'spoilers')....and Rescue Me with Denis Leary... seriously great show ...funny...serious...etc.
    Good luck with your pretend poker playing and the roads costanza >:D
    I was in Vancouver this morning and people were acting like it the apocalypse....they should try driving north :-\
  • i am safe and sound in whistler

    ned i live in gastown so if u are ever free, hit me up

    also, rescue me rapes, love that show
  • costanza wrote: »
    when i leave this place ill post a final TR with graphs and financials ;)

    Who goes first? Zsa Zsa or costanza?
  • costanza wrote: »

    also, i scanned both "good movies and shows you havent heard of" threads...

    im a retard as you all know, so there is many mainstream shows and shit that i may not have seen

    i JUST got finished sons of anarchy, and the Wire for the first time this week which is ridiculous, I really shit the bed on those ones

    costanza wrote: »
    i am safe and sound in whistler

    ned i live in gastown so if u are ever free, hit me up

    also, rescue me rapes, love that show

    May I suggest you watch the words you use.

    You're a bit of a slow learner it seems.
  • Careful mole, don't fall too far into the media driven 'politically correct' machine, which has made most currently 'acceptable' words far more politically incorrect than ever. I'm pretty sure Jamaicans don't like being referred to as African Americans, and everybody from the continent of Asia doesn't fall into what everyone uses to describe what used to be 'Oriental' (no, most people from Eastern Russia probably shouldn't be described as 'Asian'). As for retard, what is it these days? Challenged? Special? Midget is wrong...but little person is ok? Will it be 2 or 4 years until little person is also deemed unacceptable and short stack is inserted by whatever media powers that be make it so? I'm so confused :o^-^
    Bottom line, people really need to stop being so uptight about words etc....long live Don Rickles...and buy me a lathe for Christmas
  • Yes, but saying that something "rapes" is just guttural . . . I know two women who were victims of "real" rape, so I find the use of the word as an adjective to be offensive and small-minded. That said, consider the source.
  • No question the use of 'rapes' to describe something as good is just wrong
  • SuperNed wrote: »
    No question the use of 'rapes' to describe something as good is just wrong

    But negatively describing oneself as "retarded" in regards to ones knowledge of TV and movies is fine in your books? Is there no border of decency you won't cross to argue that I'm a ninnyish idealogue?

    Are his recent use of faggot and homo are all right with you too?
  • PFC - where everyone has to be politically correct 100% of the time

    Obv I don't mean I'm actually retarded an obviously rape is a bad thing

    If you get so butt hurt over common slang then get over it already

    Nit pickers gonna nit pick
  • costanza wrote: »
    PFC - where everyone has to be politically correct 100% of the time

    Obv I don't mean I'm actually retarded an obviously rape is a bad thing

    If you get so butt hurt over common slang then get over it already

    Nit pickers gonna nit pick

    And obviously I don't actually think you have "shit" for brains...although the possibility seems to exist.
  • And obviously I don't actually think you have "shit" for brains...although the possibility seems to exist.

    Obviously I know I'm not the brightest lightbulb in the package, I've alway been like that
  • But negatively describing oneself as "retarded" in regards to ones knowledge of TV and movies is fine in your books? Is there no border of decency you won't cross to argue that I'm a ninnyish idealogue?

    Are his recent use of faggot and homo are all right with you too?

    NO...if he uses the word faggot or homo I want the political correct police to come to his house and rehabilitate him until he conforms to the ever changing accepted norms of society. There must be no deviation from the norm. It is forbidden. The liberal media says so >:D
    To be honest, I don't use or condone any words that are used or based on hate...but think the people who endlessly whine about it are almost as bad.
    As for retarded...yes, I'm completely fine with it and would also use that word in normal 'not to be anal as hell' conversation (I'm sure using the word anal has now been linked to being derogatory towards homosexuals so I apologize in advance). I also would have no problem with him calling himself a moron, an idiot, or stupid....all of which at one time were 'invented' to describe mentally 'challenged' or retarded people. I assume you are now forbidding all these words based on that? Not really a question of arguing or decency, it's just about being real.
  • SuperNed wrote: »
    Not really a question of arguing or decency, it's just about being real.

    It could be "argued" that "decent" folks who wish to live in the "real" world recognize and adapt to the cultural standards that we live by. Be that in treatment of sex/gender issues (i.e. misogyny and equal treatment) bigotry (i.e. racism, ageism, etc.), practical (eg. nobody drives horse and buggy on the 401), right down to grammatical and societal (eg. we no longer dress / act / speak / advertise / promote / communicate / etc. as we used to).

    The point I'm trying to make, is that life changes. It's changing faster in todays world than ever before - take the phone for example. According to the ever reliable wikipedia, the rotary phone was put into Bell's usage in about 1919. It became tonal in about 1962 (43 years for those counting). Now I'm ballparking 15-20 years after that we got phones you didn't have to stand next to (wireless). And in the 15-20 years after that, we'd gotten phones that can work anywhere we are, check e-mail, communicate in multiple mediums, and have 10x the computing power that we landed on the moon with. More changes in a shorter amount of time

    Everything changes, refusal to do so is usually not a great idea. Nobody calls a cigarette a "fag" unless they're being annoyingly ironic. Medical terminology used to include the word "moron", but that changed to an offensive slang word, and now back to fairly innocuous. Hell, 10 years ago when I worked in a group home, calling someone a "goof" was the worst thing you could say, while ten years before that I watched cartoons called goof troops. Today? Goof isn't all that bad, but "soft" is brutal. (Working with teens is fun when you use their terms and make them roll their eyes). The very fact that the dictionary adds words yearly points to this fact (and that they want to sell dictionaries).

    You don't agree / want to be observant and acknowledge the way most of society is going? Alright, but recognize that the guy calling people "retards" and "fags" isn't going to be seen as a pillar of common sense, but an ignorant relic of times gone by.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    It could be "argued" that "decent" folks who wish to live in the "real" world recognize and adapt to the cultural standards that we live by. Be that in treatment of sex/gender issues (i.e. misogyny and equal treatment) bigotry (i.e. racism, ageism, etc.), practical (eg. nobody drives horse and buggy on the 401), right down to grammatical and societal (eg. we no longer dress / act / speak / advertise / promote / communicate / etc. as we used to).

    The point I'm trying to make, is that life changes. It's changing faster in todays world than ever before - take the phone for example. According to the ever reliable wikipedia, the rotary phone was put into Bell's usage in about 1919. It became tonal in about 1962 (43 years for those counting). Now I'm ballparking 15-20 years after that we got phones you didn't have to stand next to (wireless). And in the 15-20 years after that, we'd gotten phones that can work anywhere we are, check e-mail, communicate in multiple mediums, and have 10x the computing power that we landed on the moon with. More changes in a shorter amount of time

    Everything changes, refusal to do so is usually not a great idea. Nobody calls a cigarette a "fag" unless they're being annoyingly ironic. Medical terminology used to include the word "moron", but that changed to an offensive slang word, and now back to fairly innocuous. Hell, 10 years ago when I worked in a group home, calling someone a "goof" was the worst thing you could say, while ten years before that I watched cartoons called goof troops. Today? Goof isn't all that bad, but "soft" is brutal. (Working with teens is fun when you use their terms and make them roll their eyes). The very fact that the dictionary adds words yearly points to this fact (and that they want to sell dictionaries).

    You don't agree / want to be observant and acknowledge the way most of society is going? Alright, but recognize that the guy calling people "retards" and "fags" isn't going to be seen as a pillar of common sense, but an ignorant relic of times gone by.


    Quiet you silly wanker :D Please look that one up and tell me if it is currently on the no say list ;)
    I guess I just have a different idea about recognizing it...and some constantly thinking they need to take the role of censor police.
  • SuperNed wrote: »
    I guess I just have a different idea about recognizing it...and some constantly thinking they need to take the role of censor police.

    That really isn't it at all.... re read my last post.

  • Not sure if these have all been mentioned:

    The Killing (two seasons)

    If you like this shit, "Oz" started it all. A lot of the charters from The Wire came from Oz.
  • You might try some poker strat videos?

    First one might be titled...How to get to the casino..

    jus' sayin'.
  • DennisG wrote: »
    You might try some poker strat videos?

    First one might be titled...How to get to the casino..

    jus' sayin'.

    now THIS is funny! Even you gotta admit it Mike...

    still a good thread tho...
  • DennisG wrote: »
    You might try some poker strat videos?

    First one might be titled...How to get to the casino..

    jus' sayin'.

  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    Not sure if these have all been mentioned:

    The Killing (two seasons)

    If you like this shit, "Oz" started it all. A lot of the charters from The Wire came from Oz.

    The Killing is one of the best shows I've ever watched
  • lol Dennis is just tilted that he didnt get to meet the legend (me)


    staying here:


    saw these things


    just getting a little sober now.. had a sick day at the spa, got rejected by massage girl which in hindsight is actually pretty funny... sipped on spicy caesars and beer all day

    going to some cray night club in the village tonight... night clubs arent generally my scene but apparantly there are lots of wominz there

    hope to vancouver tomorrow , then home to ontario on sat.

    may or may not post TR of my west coast esperience for those interested until after xmas and i catch up with some family.

    TY for those of you that offered movie and show advice / suggestions.
  • can't see OP's posts, but going to venture a guess at this one:

    ur mom?
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    can't see OP's posts, but going to venture a guess at this one:

    ur mom?

    just gtfo

  • costanza wrote: »
    may or may not post TR of my west coast esperience for those interested until after xmas and i catch up with some family.
    holding breath.....


    How longs the drive back?
  • compuease wrote: »
    holding breath.....


    How longs the drive back?


    drive from whistler to BC is supposed to take an hour and a half... the other night it took us like 3 or something... and the guy at valet today told us that his sister came up from vancouver yesterday and it was 6 hrs :o

    it really has snowed heaps here the past couple days even by my standards and im from the bruce

    shits wild up here!
  • moved couch

    sat in small condo

    posted hatred

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