Question of the Week Prophet22

I am 14 hours ahead of you so questions will be answered generally when you are sleeping and thinking of that big score!

Anything is up for grabs so fire away!



  • Where are you from origanaly? (where did you grow up)

    Did you play any sports growing up?

    What is your biggest online poker win? (Cash or tourney)

    What is your favorite NFL team? LOL just kidding. It`s obviously the Dallas Cowgirls, er I mean Cowboys.
  • Korea?
    How did that happen?
    Can we now expect to see postings for the Far East Poker Club?
    Tournaments in Pyongyang?
    Are you our revenge for them sending over Psy?
    You seem to have had an eclectic employment/education history . . . highlights?
  • Where are you from origanaly? (where did you grow up)

    Did you play any sports growing up?

    What is your biggest online poker win? (Cash or tourney)

    What is your favorite NFL team? LOL just kidding. It`s obviously the Dallas Cowgirls, er I mean Cowboys.

    Born and grew up in Scarborough. Moved to Markham when I was 15 and lived there on and off most of my life. Played all sports hockey, baseball, football, basketball, tennis and golf.

    Cash win was 1500.00 online 1850.00 finishing 6th in a tournament.

    Cowboys were on every week in the 70's and yes the cheerleaders got as much air time as Roger Staubach, Tony Dorsett and company. I was a played QB so now I tend to favour QB's in the NFL then teams, because my Cowboys suck so bad.
  • Milo wrote: »
    How did that happen?
    Can we now expect to see postings for the Far East Poker Club?
    Tournaments in Pyongyang?
    Are you our revenge for them sending over Psy?
    You seem to have had an eclectic employment/education history . . . highlights?

    Korea - Applied to a job posting for an elementary teacher in a missionary school and after a long and winding road I am here. (had the job, boarded a plane came here, didn't have the job and then the day before school started had the job again.

    A teacher does not have time to start a poker club in Yangyang-gun Korea.

    Are you our revenge for them sending over Psy? Don't know who this is or what it means.

    Finished grade 12 went to Bible College in Pensacola Florida. Came back to Markham and was a youth pastor for 4 years while at Seminary. Was an Associate Pastor for 18 months in New Brunswick. Moved back to Ontario and have done a variety of jobs from packing windows on a truck, to 7-Eleven, to security, to playing black jack for a living for 6 months. Currently an elementary school teacher while finishing my PhD in New Testament studies. (Which my take a little longer than I thought.)

    Heading to bed, see you in the morning
  • When you wake up, google Gangnam Style.

    What has been your biggest adjustment since your arrival in Korea? I am thinking in terms of diet, transportation, etc. Which has been the biggest change for how you would function back in Canada?
  • Need details of Cam's facebook post.
  • Best food you've eaten in Korea since your arrival?
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Need details of Cam's facebook post.

    Yes, how is Cam and family doing? If you don't want to post it publically, let some of your old buddies know via pm..
  • Milo wrote: »
    When you wake up, google Gangnam Style.

    What has been your biggest adjustment since your arrival in Korea? I am thinking in terms of diet, transportation, etc. Which has been the biggest change for how you would function back in Canada?

    I am not one to try new foods much and don't do spicy food at all. The first 3 months I stayed a dorm where the high school kids are housed. I go picked up and in the morning and dropped off at night and never so a soul on weekends. We went to market once a week and I only had a fridge big enough for a weeks supply of groceries. I buy the things I like as if I was at home so food has been a real problem. The first 2 months I went with no diet coke at all. None. From 3 to 4 liters a day to nothing was pretty hard. I have tried going without it before and would end up with headaches. Then one day a teacher who is taking a class in Seoul shows up with a couple of can, it was so good. I got him to pick me up a 12 pack and now I get a 12 pack once a month but have learned to live without it.

    Convenience has been difficult. I am in a remote part of town so like I said driving to town was only once a week. I lived on fast food so it was a small adjustment to cooking again for myself. I was pretty sick Sunday-Tuesday and where at home we can't go 10 km without seeing a pharmacy here not so much. I have had my mom ship me all kinds of medicines to get by but am now out and hoping that will be my Christmas gift. lol

    Biggest change to function back home would be to stay away from the fast food, although I am dying for Swiss Chalet, KFC, Subway, and McDonald's.

    I have measures things like bicep, wrist, neck and legs have lost 3". Which is good seeing as I was 400 lbs plus. I had to have a health examine when I got here, that is how I knew I had lost 40lbs but can't find a personal scale to see where I am at now.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Need details of Cam's facebook post.

    So the girl who drove us is a fairly knew driver and doesn't want to drive in the winter. The school wants me to get my Korean license because being Canadian the figure winter driving is no problem. So I do, they move me from the high school dorm to where the other teachers are staying. We are in the mountains. Lots of hills and curves. We had a bad snow storm during school and I said that need to cancel after school program (where we teach esl to locals) and get home. Finally they listen. 2 hours later we make it home. Roads were really bad, not much in the way of plows that I have seen. I suggest a snow day, which isn't granted so back we go. Coming up a hill no matter what I did we weren't going any further and started to slide. We pin ball off a guard rail and are at the end of it and there is still an 8ft drop. With the car in park and resting against the rail I tell everyone to get out. I look at the car and see if I can go 5ft forward swing the car one way then start the slide back down I can swing it around and down a driveway type road. If I miss, I am stuck between the guardrail and the drop. It worked out and I made it. Probably the scariest drive of my life. Needless to say the kids had a pretty relaxing day because I was in no frame of mine to do much. We have now found another way to the school, but it is an hour and 40 minute commute one way. But at least the roads are flat.
  • Best food you've eaten in Korea since your arrival?

    That is going to happen this weekend. Two other teachers and I are going to a place in Seoul and I am having a steak at an Outback Steakhouse. I haven't had beef since I left Canada.

    There was a guy selling rotisserie chicken on the side of the rad that was pretty good. Other than that, I don't experiment with food. I eat what I like that I can find.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Yes, how is Cam and family doing? If you don't want to post it publically, let some of your old buddies know via pm..

    Cam is actually doing very well right now. He qualified for second career funding and will be starting a culinary program at Humber College in January for 16 straight months and then 4 months internship overseas somewhere. So he is very excited.
  • So, with the weekend finally here, what do you guys do on a Friday night? any hotspots for foreign white devils?

    I had a friend who taught in Romania for a few years. He taught the Canadian children of AECL workers who were building a reactor facility there for the government. some of the pictrues and videos showed a stark contrast to life over here. that is what I am getting at with my question . . . sort of a cultural shock kind of thing.
  • Glad to hear that Cam is doing well!

    How are occupying the void last from North American sports?

    What are your predictions for the Superbowl?

    How will the Jays finish in 2013?

    Will there be an NHL season?
  • Milo wrote: »
    So, with the weekend finally here, what do you guys do on a Friday night? any hotspots for foreign white devils?

    I had a friend who taught in Romania for a few years. He taught the Canadian children of AECL workers who were building a reactor facility there for the government. some of the pictrues and videos showed a stark contrast to life over here. that is what I am getting at with my question . . . sort of a cultural shock kind of thing.

    Yeah some is true here. When I am not at the school, there is a lot of alone time. Which I need to prep for the following week. As I am going use to what I have to do, prep time is getting shorter so I hope to get more work done in my own classes. The only time I have been to Seoul was to got to the Canadian embassy to get an affidavit of my license so I could exchange it for a Korean one. We were going to go today, but I am sick and didn't want to be out.

    I have lived in poor places without much on other mission trips so I kind of expected my living conditions.

    To be honest, I don't know if I could have come without the internet.

    Also I would kill for a hot bath, a like that especially when I am sick. I get enough hot water to shower 4 times a week and Zeke and I only drink bottled water so we are ok.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Glad to hear that Cam is doing well!

    How are occupying the void last from North American sports?

    What are your predictions for the Superbowl?

    How will the Jays finish in 2013?

    Will there be an NHL season?

    How are occupying the void last from North American sports?

    I have 2 very good web sites that I can watch all sports that I want. I still watch my Cowboys each week as the suck the joint out. Why Jones didn't go after Manning is beyond me. I watch Roger Federer play and even Tiger. Saw each game of the World Series, so its not that bad from that point. I actually had a harder time following the US election this year, but hey something has to give.

    What are your predictions for the Superbowl?

    Good question. I don't believe in the Falcons, so I believe the NFC could be anybody. I will say Green Bay or the the defending champs (I hate the Giants). AFC is a little more difficult. I believe everyone is on the Texans, but I think it will be either Manning or Brady. I think who ever get there from the AFC will probably win. I will go with Denver and Manning wins MVP and comeback player of the year.

    How will the Jays finish in 2013?

    I like a lot of the moves. I think setting the rotations will be huge and by that I mean Ricky is the number 4 start with Mark Buehrle being one. Brandon Morrow two, Josh Johnson three. Obviously injuries are big part of baseball and the Jays need depth. They proved they are willing to spend money, why aren't they spending it on Hamilton and Greinke? They need both these items to be filled (that being another starter and another power bat) considered a real contender. Barring no other changes, I will say 86 wins, good enough for 4th place.

    Will there be an NHL season?

    I don't like Fuhr and I don't like Bettman. Both these guys think they are the smartest guy in the room and that is rarely a productive thing. It could go either way, but which every way it does go we will be here again in 5 years.
    I won't pretend that I know all the issues in this thing but I know money and players salaries are up for grabs. While I agree that any player who has a contract should be paid that contract, I don't understand why they choose not to sign a deal that lowers their salaries over time but are willing to play in the the KHL for half are even three quarters of what the owners are asking them to play for in a new agreement. For example Alex Ovechkin makes nearly 12 million a year in the NHL. They want to roll that back to somewhere around 8 million. I agree it is wrong but ok they asked for it. Ovechkin turns around and says "I will play in the KHL and is doing so for 4 million." While others fight the battle. Doesn't make sense to me.
  • Thanks for the questions it was fun. Probably got off a little light knowing Milo is a big Christopher Hitchens lover. And didn't ask me to explain the existence of God and evil. Or the idea of miracles.

  • Now why would I do that? I like Hitchens as a raconteur, and he was without doubt one of the best debaters in years, but that does not mean I agree with him on all things . . .

    I believe that there is monstrous evil in this world. That belief necessitates that I also acknowledge that there is humbling good as well. Whether these things are the result of divine providences is not for me to say, as I am neither pious enough to believe fully, nor skeptical enough to discount entirely. But I do believe this . . . my daughter was born healthy, with all her fingers and toes in the right places, and to date no genetic abnormalities discovered. There was a question of that fact when my wife was pregnant. Yet, before any of the test results were revealed to us, I knew in my heart, standing in a Church speaking the words to the Creed of my (lapsed) Faith, that my daughter was fine, and that all would be well. And that feeling was miraculous. So, while I may not believe in a particular Faith, I am damn certain there is a God.

    Costanza, I am truly sorry for being such a prick earlier. Today's events have bothered me more than anything similar ever has, but that is no excuse for behaving as I did, and I apologize.

    Good night all, and God bless.
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