What has 2 thumbs and is driving to Vegas?



  • Just read this in 2p2:

    I likely will try it for fun, but not for long if it is only limit.

    Also read that players felted with stack A are then allowed to take chips from stack B instead of having to rebuy, sounds terrible for NL.
  • Love your play by play Dave..... I'm kinda of the same feeling as in my email.. Pick the place where you would be happiest and make it work..
  • I agree with Comp. I think the novelty of poker will soon wear off and its better to be somewhere that you will like long term. Also its probably healthier to live somewhere that is not focused purely on gambling. Poker is always nearby in any case.
  • Wow when I'm this old, I hope I'm married and not driving aimlessly around in America trying to find myself and wominz

    Gl playing some 2/5 Dave, Gl wheeling broads and impressing them!!!

    The-middle-aged-vet-that-can't-hold-on-to-wominz-and-drives-thru-America-by-himself lmao!!


    2 reasons why ur alone, ur a complete dick head (LOL I'm so witty) and also I can't say the other.

    Find a job and do something before next update please.

    And please hold off on beach pics. We aren't gay and don't care.
  • costanza wrote: »
    Wow when I'm this old, I hope I'm married and not driving aimlessly around in America trying to find myself and wominz

    Gl playing some 2/5 Dave, Gl wheeling broads and impressing them!!!

    The-middle-aged-vet-that-can't-hold-on-to-wominz-and-drives-thru-America-by-himself lmao!!


    2 reasons why ur alone, ur a complete dick head (LOL I'm so witty) and also I can't say the other.

    Find a job and do something before next update please.

    And please hold off on beach pics. We aren't gay and don't care.

    For fucks sake, calling someone or something 'gay' is not acceptable. Grow the fuck up. Seriously.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    For fucks sake, calling someone or something 'gay' is not acceptable. Grow the fuck up. Seriously.

    Sry I meant to say "not that there's anything wrong with that" like GTA does so everything is cool

    GTA takes giant shits in my thread and I send some shots back and Im the asshole lol

  • [x] giant fucking douche ITT

    can someone seriously fucking ban this moron. wtf is the point of keeping him around ffs.

    EDIT: and seriously, totally think he's a closet homosexual for sure.
  • costanza wrote: »
    Sry I meant to say "not that there's anything wrong with that" like GTA does so everything is cool

    GTA takes giant shits in my thread and I send some shots back and Im the asshole lol


    I have nothing against you shitting on GTA. That's between you two.

    But please, please, please refrain from using or saying 'gay' in a negative tone. It's immature and unimaginative. Find another word to use.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    I have nothing against you shitting on GTA. That's between you two.

    But please, please, please refrain from using or saying 'gay' in a negative tone. It's immature and unimaginative. Find another word to use.

    lol fed being mature. not possible.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    I have nothing against you shitting on GTA. That's between you two.

    But please, please, please refrain from using or saying 'gay' in a negative tone. It's immature and unimaginative. Find another word to use.

    will do
  • trigs wrote: »
    [x] giant fucking douche ITT

    can someone seriously fucking ban this moron. wtf is the point of keeping him around ffs.

    EDIT: and seriously, totally think he's a closet homosexual for sure.

    Don't question moderation, I can say the same about u

    lol @ being a closet homo when I wheel broads that are super hot and super dumb meaning they are twice as likely to fellache me
  • costanza wrote: »
    Don't question moderation, I can say the same about u

    you think i deserve to be banned from the site? lol yeah gl with that one. pretty much 100% certain that you could not find a single person on here to agree with you on that one. on the other hand, finding multiple people who agree with banning you would take mere seconds.
    lol @ being a closet homo when I wheel broads that are super hot and super dumb meaning they are twice as likely to fellache me
    not sure if you understand closet homosexuality, but that comment pretty much works for my argument. people with that issue need to act arrogant and cocky with respect to 'wheeling broads' and make homophobic comments all the time to cover up their denial of their issues.

    but honestly, i was just joking. i don't think that about you. but i could be wrong though.

    EDIT: sorry for the hijack GTA
  • pokerJAH wrote: »

    • GTA's traveling across California searching for the best place to set up camp and play some poker
    • fed is a bit jealous about the love GTA's going pro thread is getting
    • fed may or may not be gay
  • Hey, I've got an idea!!

    I think this thread is great and I enjoy reading it. So, why don't we all just back away from turning it into a complete and total fucking shit storm and get getting it fucking locked or something idiotic like that?
  • Hey, I've got an idea!!

    I think this thread is great and I enjoy reading it. So, why don't we all just back away from turning it into a complete and total fucking shit storm and get getting it fucking locked or something idiotic like that?

    these updates are nothing but a great big ego stroke for gta and his attention whoring

    "hay guise! look at me, im blending and going proz and driving around!"

    fuck off, post poker stuff that we care about or gtfo
  • costanza wrote: »
    these updates are nothing but a great big ego stroke for gta and his attention whoring

    "hay guise! look at me, im blending and going proz and driving around!"

    fuck off, post poker stuff that we care about or gtfo

    So, would it make you happy if it was moved to the OTL for now until he's settled in and playing? Perhaps for now it's not in the correct sub-forum (B&M). If Comp agrees with this, he could perhaps accommodate this.
  • IF GTA asks me too I'll clean up this thread of all the hogwash... Up to him..
  • compuease wrote: »
    IF GTA asks me too I'll clean up this thread of all the hogwash... Up to him..

    thanks for that offer for all the hogwash in my threads


    maybe ill start 6 or 7 straight threads mocking GTA now! just like he did to me!

    its the same thing right???????
  • GTAfaggot-1.jpg

    yeah i think im gonna do the same thing!

    start 5 straight threads that get locked because they are mocking him!

    everyone can laugh at GTA with me!

    he did it to me and it was soooo funny!
  • compuease wrote: »
    IF GTA asks me too I'll clean up this thread of all the hogwash... Up to him..

    real nice of you to do that for me when i was getting made fun of
  • Ok...haven't been on here for a bit. Feel free to move to off topic if you want. Ironic that Fed is complaining about a thread not containing poker content. I'm uncertain where the hate is coming from but when you are happier in your life perhaps you will not be so hateful towards others.

    BTW, I've driven across and up and down both countries several times -- sometimes alone with my dog and sometimes with a girlfriend. I love road trips and the open road for the most part and I love having the freedom to do it. I'm always striving for a better situation in my life...if I'm not happy at work then I try and find something better for me. Same thing with location. If having a wife and staying in one place is your goal in life then I hope that you achieve that, but don't think that is what you want because that is the model presented to you by someone else...find what you truly want and what truly makes you happy. I've never been one to argue with another's goals or wants -- if that is what you truly want then you should probably be more mature and find a career for yourself, I doubt that playing micro to low level poker for a living is going to attract any decent women into your life and it certainly isn't going to provide for a stable relationship. For me, your goals aren't what life is about. As for me "trying to get women", trust me it isn't that difficult a task when you are in my position in life to date many attractive women. Thinking of having sex with women as a challenge means you are doing it wrong on just about every level.

    Some changes in life make you realize more about yourself and make you a deeper and more evolved person. Sometimes you really have to take some time alone to figure out where you want to be and what is important to you as a person.

    Checked into Palace Station a few nights ago. Not much to say about the place given that I usually stay at places like Palazzo, but the room was modern, clean and nice -- very nice for the cheap price. I really don't know why anyone who wants to do anything on the strip would stay there, but for my wants it was perfect. The best part about the place is probably the views from the top level of the parking garage.

    For everyone else in this thread, I appreciate all comments and suggestions. I like getting perspective from all angles so everything is helpful. Obviously, I am looking for a great situation for myself and have a few very good options which is great and I am fortunate for that...I am not looking at going pro as a poker player, I don't think that I mentioned that anywhere. I already know that I become disinterested much faster with grinding sessions than in the past.

    As for poker in Vegas, I haven't played too much and I don't think I'll play any significant limits this trip...my mind just isn't in it.


    I was a bit bored so thought I'd try grinding low limit 1 3 PLO and then 1 3 NLH a couple days ago -- I can't keep enough interest in the game to play well that low and booked a couple losses at the Aria, one at each game...I have never bothered going over there to play before due to the location and I don't enjoy the room at all...I think I played 105% of my hands in each session. It's a pretty dark room with lots of very sad, negative local grinders trying to eek out a living at 1 3...perhaps the 2 5 and 5 10 would be more to my liking, but I am not in a mindset to play good poker right now. I just find it sad when anyone playing below 5 10 takes it too seriously and sits there miserably being a nit and thinking getting $3/h comps is a good reason to select a poker room. On the upside the parking garage there is pretty cool.

    During my 1 3 PLO session this happened:


    Which I found a bit odd. While playing at the V today I was told that Cunningham is broke and is trying to rebuild. If he is playing for money that means something to him he certainly does not play PLO well. He played super tight and the stacked off a 3 way pot for just under 200bb with a set of 6s on a KJ6cc board...not very good at all. I don't play tournies so I never sit with tv pros, it was a bit surreal sitting at his table. I don't get impressed by "poker pros" at all it was just kind of strange seeing him at my table.

    I've decided to just play for fun for the rest of the trip and found a 8 16 1/2 kill O8 at the V today...this is still by far my favourite room -- played for about 4 hours while waiting for my Rio check in time and made a bit of money. Some nicer and more social people in the game than the depressing 1 3 grinders. It seems that limit games usually have more enjoyable and interesting people to have a conversation with than low limit NL games. Lots of old locals in the game which is usual for low limit O8...it's fun raising lots of pots vs lots of older nits. LO8 and S8 are by far my favourite games to play if I'm not grinding to make money and I'll probably just play some O8 for fun for the rest of the trip -- apparently there used to be a 30 60 ad Red Rock that doesn't go anymore, that would have been a good game for me. As it stands this is the biggest O8 game running right now.

    At the Rio now on the 32 floor...I have a nice requested mountain view which is why I chose to stay here.

    I'm going to see a clinic here in Vegas tomorrow and I may fly from here to San Diego for a job interview for later this week. So far all 3 clinics I saw want me to lead their respective emergency services so it's nice having some options.

    Not much blending the pokerz these days, but still:

  • compuease wrote: »
    IF GTA asks me too I'll clean up this thread of all the hogwash... Up to him..

    I'm not certain why Fed has not yet been banned from this site, but I have him on ignore so I don't care much either way. He seems motivated to ruin the forum much in the manner that what's his name (racist guy, how soon we forget) tried to before his banning. His motivation escapes me other than being an angry person, but his method seems to be to find whatever threads are the most active and then to spout some quite meaningless (because, unfortunately, he is usually lacking even rudimentary knowledge on the given topic) and hateful drivel.

    I understand where his anger comes from given his situation in life and hope that he can improve at least some parts of his life with some effort and become a happier person in the process. I would very much recommend that he goes back to school before he is stuck in his current path for far too long.
  • I'm happy the thread is here as I have learned much about vetting and car congestion in SWestern US states along with some progress on poker proing.

    Would like to see more.

    Also I realized a lot of the same letters in "ignore" are used in "ignorant".
  • GL with all this GTA, thats pretty cool that you got to sit at the same table as Cunningham. Probably not the first time you played against a pro though.
    You should sign up for question week, I'm sure there is a lot of forumers that have questions for you, including myself.
  • I'm happy the thread is here as I have learned much about vetting and car congestion in SWestern US states along with some progress on poker proing.

    Would like to see more.

    Also I realized a lot of the same letters in "ignore" are used in "ignorant".

    Traffic was actually on the west coast
  • GL with all this GTA, thats pretty cool that you got to sit at the same table as Cunningham. Probably not the first time you played against a pro though.
    You should sign up for question week, I'm sure there is a lot of forumers that have questions for you, including myself.

    I've played with lots of poker pros (people who play poker for a living), but as for tv pros that was the first one. Like I said, I usually don't play tournies.

    I'm thinking that the picture above should be considered a warning sign of sorts.
  • Great report GTA. Keep it up!
  • This trip report is golden. I won't detail the contradictions, will leave that up to Costanza. Just golden...
  • Got 2 free breakfast buffet vouchers with my room at The Rio. Anyone who ever in life pays $20 for this is fucked. A slightly worse buffet at Palace Station was $5. I'm not really a buffet person at all, I prefer much different/better foods usually, but it is convenient and not that difficult to have a half decent breakfast at a buffet...kind of fits in with the whole low key trip.

    I didn't comment before. This is the first time that I've stayed off the strip other than camping in the area 13 years ago. The rooms are decent at both places and The Rio has a great view, but the casinos themselves are super depressing, dark, sad, etc. Pulling-up in a limo at Palace Station means you are clearly doing something wrong.

    Played some 1 3 for a couple hours to kill time before the gym since it was on the way back from the buffet this AM...made some money and then won the $100 11am draw...was more fun than the poker game:)

    Again, a game full of pretty sad people trying to grind 10 hours to get into a freeroll that pay $500 up top. Le sigh.

    Finally went to the gym today after 2-3 weeks of laziness, I think they made the weights heavier. I think that I've decided what I'm going to do for work pending the San Diego clinic getting back from me. Feeling better, maybe time to fire up some real poker once I get everything confirmed.
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