Big thanks to Dave Scharf

Again. As some of you may recall, Dave is the one who passed my name along to the production company that is producing my instructional poker DVD. (It's edited now, btw, and should be available for purchase in the coming months.) Well, he's helped me out again. He was contacted by a marketing company asking him if he was able to help out with a poker-related promotion, and he was unable to do it. So, he passed my name along to them, and again, my life gets very exciting for a couple of months.

I'll post the details of the promotion shortly in the advertising section, where they belong. I just wanted to express my gratitude to Dave here for being, well, a selfless, generous and genuinely helpful person. You don't find many of them in the world these days...


  • Dave is indeed a scholar and a gentleman ...

    He has offered to help my little university project as well. As soon as I get my ass in gear, I will take him up on it.

    Congrats on going multi-media BTW.
  • congratulations all_aces and wtg Mr.Scharf :)
    lookin' fwd to hearing more about this promo
    CO :confused:
  • Over the past 18 months in the poker business I have lost money. Not a lot, but I am behind (I have made $0 from my role in and part ownership of CPP and the CPT). Obviously, I should stop giving all this stuff to all_aces and start taking it for myself...

    By my count, you owe my two martinis and an order of cheese and crackers. That is, for those who might wonder, my usual fee. It's no wonder I never made it as a lawyer.

    Seriously, congratulations all_aces.

    Ain't poker fun these days?
  • By my count, you owe my two martinis and an order of cheese and crackers. That is, for those who might wonder, my usual fee.
    We'll have to see what we can do about giving you a raise. Three martinis.
    Over the past 18 months in the poker business I have lost money.
    Fortunately for you, you make a killing actually PLAYING.
    (I have made $0 from my role in and part ownership of CPP and the CPT)
    That is truly unfortunate.
    Obviously, I should stop giving all this stuff to all_aces and start taking it for myself..
    Let's not get all crazy here...
    Ain't poker fun these days?
    Unreal. I'm glad I learned to play right before it all exploded.
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