Question week: Piggypie123

Well it's my turn for question week. Fire away.

Oh yah, I still don't know how much coffee is in a Timmys XL, so don't ask! :D.


  • Piggypie123? Please explain . . .
  • I have worked with pigs for 12 years, and I needed a name for pokerstars. I wanted to put something to do with pigs as my name. Back in the day I used to like insane clown posse, and they have a song called piggypie. So I thought what the hell, I'll use it. Piggypie was being used already so I just stuck 123 on the end of it, and BAM piggypie123 was born.

    Sorry my grammer sucks!
  • Let's get the vitals out of the way.

    Age ? married ? Kids ? where you live ? where did you go to school ?
  • Work with pigs? Free bacon? Lucky . . .

    Do yo go to the Royal Winter Fair?

    Do you enter any of your porkers?

    Does the methane really fuck with your mind after a while?

    After 12 years, how can we be sure?
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    Let's get the vitals out of the way.

    Age ? married ? Kids ? where you live ? where did you go to school ?

    Age 33 yrs old

    Not married, never will be.

    I have 1 beautiful 9 yr old daughter

    I currently live in Simcoe Ontario, (on Hwy 3)

    I went to school in a small town East of Peterborough Ontario called Norwood. I grew up in that town and lived there most of my life. I went to college for 1 year in St. Catherines (Niagra College), I dropped out though, and started working. Wow time flies that was in 99.

    I will answer more when I get to work.
  • would you eat a pig that you raised yourself? if yes, what would you make (bacon, pork, ham, sausage, etc.)? if no, why not - pigs are friggin' delicious!
  • Milo wrote: »
    Work with pigs? Free bacon? Lucky . . .

    Yes pigs. All the employees that work there get a free half pig, cut and wrapped. All we gotta do is pick it up from the butcher. We get around 10-12 packs of bacon.

    Do yo go to the Royal Winter Fair?

    No, but I did in public school for a class trip. I think I went twice.

    Do you enter any of your porkers?

    The farm produces pigs to go to slaughter, also for genetic inprovment, not the Royal winter fair. lol

    Does the methane really fuck with your mind after a while?

    No not really :confused:

    After 12 years, how can we be sure?

    My mind is fucked up enough already, it can't get any worse
  • trigs wrote: »
    would you eat a pig that you raised yourself? if yes, what would you make (bacon, pork, ham, sausage, etc.)? if no, why not - pigs are friggin' delicious!

    I would for sure eat a pig that I raised. Pork is my favorite type of meat. I usually get my pig butchered into sausage, butt chops, shoulder chops, tenderloin roasts, ham roasts, and as much bacon as I can get. My freezer is like the bottomless pit of pork. lol
  • hook me up with soe cheap meat yo?

    howd u stumble across this site

    whats your drink of choice?

    do u think im an idiot?
  • Ever consider coming down to KWC to join us for a game?

    Jesus or Aliens? Explain.

    How do you take your coffee?
  • Are mtt's your favorite game? Do you play sng's as well?
  • costanza wrote: »
    hook me up with soe cheap meat yo?

    Maybe some day

    howd u stumble across this site

    A friend of mine was on a forum for RC cars, and I asked him if they had forums for poker. I googled it, and went to the first one I seen that said canada

    whats your drink of choice?

    I don't drink. I've been sober for 7 years. But back in the day I drank coors light in a can, I loved it especially on ice in the summer.

    do u think im an idiot?

  • costanza wrote: »
    hook me up with soe cheap meat yo?

    howd u stumble across this site

    whats your drink of choice?

    do u think im an idiot?


    Level? :D
  • "back in the day I drank coors light in a can, especially on ice"

    That makes me shudder. No wonder you went sober.

    As you are an insider to the meat industry, do you have an opinion on the recent news articles regarding pricing and availability of beef and pork products in the next year or two. My understanding is that various farmers are being forced to cull their herds as they are unable to afford the feed and grain required.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Ever consider coming down to KWC to join us for a game?
    I have considered it, and after the new year I am planning to go to one of Buzzards tourneys, and one of Zithals tournies. It seems these two are the best tournies, from the positive feedback they get.

    Jesus or Aliens? Explain.
    Aliens. The universe is sooo big that there has to be some other type of life form out there. I don't think they have visited Earth.....yet.

    How do you take your coffee?
    I take 2 sugar and 2 cream. (double, double)
  • I don't have another question, just some advice.

    Buzzards is an amazing deepstack freeze out. Great tournament, and equally good cash game.

    That being said, if you want to try a ridiculously fun micro rebuy game, wait until Zithal posts Merry Xmas Madness. While not the best example if quality poker it will be the most fun you'll ever have at a poker tournament.
  • i've heard that pigs are supposed to be as smart as dogs, agree or disagree?
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Are mtt's your favorite game? Do you play sng's as well?
    Yes mtt's are my favorite, I guess because of the big cash prize at the end. I don't like sit n go's that much, but I will play them the odd time to switch it up.
  • am i weird for every time i see u post in my head im like

  • costanza wrote: »
    am i weird for every time i see u post in my head im like

    No, not weird. Kind of funny. LOL

    Off to work. Cheers
  • "back in the day I drank coors light in a can, especially on ice"

    That makes me shudder. No wonder you went sober.

    As you are an insider to the meat industry, do you have an opinion on the recent news articles regarding pricing and availability of beef and pork products in the next year or two. My understanding is that various farmers are being forced to cull their herds as they are unable to afford the feed and grain required.

  • Answer to wildbills Question: Sorry forgot to quote it.

    All the small time farmers, are going belly up, due to the corn price and the price of pork being so low. Right now a 55 lb ( 23kg) pigs are selling for $25, $30, so right now the best way to get $ for your animals is to grow them out to the minimum that they take them at market (110kg). To do that you need feed, the best feed and most popular is corn. Lately the corn prices have sky rocketed due to the shitty grow season we had this pass summer, theres a lot of farmers who can't afford to feed there animals, and are closing down shop.
    This has been going on for a long time, but just lately it's been gettin worse. I'm sure theres a lot more to it but thats pretty much the short version. Sorry about being late on writing this, and the shitty grammer.
  • ^^ ^^ ^^
  • i've heard that pigs are supposed to be as smart as dogs, agree or disagree?
    Agree, pigs are pretty smart, alot smarter then what some people think. They're a funny animal to just sit back and watch and see what they'll do next.
  • Do u like the smell of pig shit?
  • Favourite Lonney Tunes character?

    Favourite place to travel to for vacation?

    Place you most want to go but have never been?

    You mad that I'm posting this from a chair on the beach? (Hey, if Costanza can make all his questions about himself, so can I! :p )
  • costanza wrote: »
    Do u like the smell of pig shit?

    Cannot smell your posts through the interwebs . . . one of the benefits of being wired, I guess . . .

    Who wins the Grey Cup?
  • how did you end up in the big farming business?

    200 years in the future, has mankind saved or destroyed itself?

    what do you drive?
  • costanza wrote: »
    Do u like the smell of pig shit?
    At first it made me gag, but I eventually got used to it. Now it doesn't phase me unless I take some holidays, or go away for a bit. When I come back to work from the holidays then it may be a bit harsh at first, but I get used to it.
    LOL good question Castanza. But I can't say I like the smell, I don't hate it though.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Favourite Lonney Tunes character?

    My favorite when I was a kid was always Bugs Bunny, but now I like Porky Pig. ;)

    Favourite place to travel to for vacation?

    I like going camping with my 9 year old daughter. It's relaxing, close to my family, peaceful, no traffic, it's just great fun too. Especially for her.

    Place you most want to go but have never been?

    Vegas Baby. After I go I may have to change my answer to my second question. I really really want to go bad, but i need to get a few thing figured out first.

    You mad that I'm posting this from a chair on the beach? (Hey, if Costanza can make all his questions about himself, so can I! :p )

    No I'm not mad at all, maybe a bit jealous. Have fun on the beach.
    Lucky bugger
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