Question Week: Richard~

Question, the first...

What are you hiding that made you wanna dodge out on this obligation?



  • I'm lazy :<

    I wasn't even aware that this week was my week, I wasn't even sure I had been accepted to have a week. I'm trying not to be lazy and make my school stuff work but here I am at noon in sweden, sitting home watching ufc for the first time ever instead of being at the 10 am lecture just cause I couldn't get out of bed on a monday. Discipline is harder than it should be

    Anyway, I'm here now for one week, so fire away with questions ^^'
  • Where abouts did you grow up? Was it Sweden, North America, or somewhere else?

    Whats your biggest poker win? Live and online, including cash games.

    Why is there so many blonde people in Sweden?
  • hows ur english so good?

    u still got that viktor blom hair?
  • is your actual name richard?
    what are you taking in school?
    fed, GTA, comp - you have to marry one, fuck one, kill one, go!
  • Where abouts did you grow up? Was it Sweden, North America, or somewhere else?

    Whats your biggest poker win? Live and online, including cash games.

    Why is there so many blonde people in Sweden?

    - I grew up in Sweden,lived here all my life

    - My biggest win live was 9.5k in a 150 dollar rebuy that I shipped, trying to look innocent while walking about of the casino with that money in your pocket wasn't easy

    Biggest session tho was the night I chopped both the big 5 on stars for 3,something k and the 3r on stars at the same time (I got like 6-7k for the 3r to). That was a really sick night

    - Many blonds cause we obviously have the superior gene pool, fuck china :<
  • costanza wrote: »
    hows ur english so good?

    u still got that viktor blom hair?

    - In highschool I went to the so called "IB" program with all classes held in english (except maybe swedish class) . It's an international program thats supposed to be the same around the world no matter the country and just a few months into the first year everyone was speaking english even between classes

    - meh, viktor blom hair < my hair, that kid always seemed to be using way too much product, havn't seen his hair lately so I can't really say anymore tho ^^'
  • How many other Euro nations have you visited?

    Do you think Sweden was better off before or after the Euro-zone treaty?

    You mentioned school. What are you studying for, career-wise?

    Fall-back strategy?

    Brothers or sisters?

  • trigs wrote: »
    is your actual name richard?
    what are you taking in school?
    fed, GTA, comp - you have to marry one, fuck one, kill one, go!

    -Yup, that's' my name, my parents say they picked the spelling to make it sound international : P

    -Right now I'm trying to study a master program in engineering physics, it was kinda hard to translate but that's what the website called it, I call it "teknisk fysik" in swedish ^^'

    - Not getting too involved in this one, I doubt I'd be able to get much pleasure out of killing any of those 3 =< Probably marry comp and fuck gta, but then again, I'm not drunk enough for that and I probably never will be

    Edit: more tomorrow, I need to go to bed
  • A friend of mine from Sweden is always talking about Skridskor or something like that.

    Its like speedskating but on lakes or something.

    Please explain.

    Do you still play online?

    How did you end up on a Canadian poker forum?

    Would you consider travelling here for an event?

  • Wetts1012 wrote: »

    Would you consider travelling here for an event?
    Swedish team in the Royal? We'll make room.
  • 1. What do you think of my username?

    2. If you're Swedish.. how did you find this site?
  • Milo wrote: »
    How many other Euro nations have you visited?

    Do you think Sweden was better off before or after the Euro-zone treaty?

    You mentioned school. What are you studying for, career-wise?

    Fall-back strategy?

    Brothers or sisters?


    - hmm, I could count turkey here if you mean Europe. Otherwise we have norway, finland, denmark, England, germany, estonia, portugal, france, italy and Malta so 11

    - Sweden is probably slightly worse off now, we don't really get any votes since we're only 9 million people :< I think we should consider ourselves lucky we didn't join the monetary unuion to since at least our currency is still pretty strong

    - Toughest question so far, I don't know. My main motivation for studying this term right now is that I don't want to fail it again, I've cut poker down to a super minimum but honestly I'm super scared for school and my future, not because of poker but because I fear I won't get the discipline to get it right in time

    - well, I'll want to take up poker again more serously when my studies tone down, I've pretty much stopped learned for the past months. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around tho, you finish school so you have a solid fallback? :P

    - One 4 year younger brother, fat

    Edit: that's all I had time for for now, I dont want to miss this 10 am lecture to ^^'
  • You are right about self discipline . . . my brother is probably one of the smartest and most thoughtful people you would ever meet. Spent three years as a first year student at Waterloo, because he did not have the discipline required to force himself to do the work.

    Get to the damn lecture . . .

    I did mean Europe, and was surprised to discover it was possible to be part of the Euro-zone, but still keep an independent monetary system. Sort of like being "a little pregnant", isn't it?

    Anyway, from your list of countries visited, I am guessing this might have been primarily poker related?

    Any "touristry" highlights?

    Do you live on campus? On your own? At home?
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    A friend of mine from Sweden is always talking about Skridskor or something like that.

    Its like speedskating but on lakes or something.

    Please explain.

    Do you still play online?

    How did you end up on a Canadian poker forum?

    Would you consider travelling here for an event?


    - I guess its iceskating. It's like jogging, but the vinter scenery is pretty cool and a nice change of pace from more standard outdoor activities. The skates have longer blades than hockey skates and since you go along the edge of the lake the trip can easily go up to 10+ kms. I've only done something like that once and that was years ago but that time we skated like 4kms, had luch and skated back along the other side, I can see why some people enjoy it I guess

    - I try not to play online even tho I really want to. It's insanely frustrating to cook your noodles while reading about some scrub with half your skill who's just won 10k :< Bankroll slowly depleting to since I don't have time to work much right now

    - I'll answe this one later

    - Yes I'd definitely love to visit for an event, traveling and playing poker is pretty awesome, I don't have the money for it right now tho

    - One day ^^'
  • Macke wrote: »
    1. What do you think of my username?

    2. If you're Swedish.. how did you find this site?

    - Macke would be the kind of nickname a swedish 13 year old kid who plays a lot of computergames and floorball would have ^^' but I guess I just see it that way cause Im swedish

    - Back when I won my first poker trip package ( ept san remo) I had a bit cold feet and no connections at all in the poker world so I just randomly googled "ask the poker pro" and this site came up

    edit: Going to bed again, 8 am lecture tomorrow :< I love questions, keep asking and I'll try to make my responses more interesting
  • richard post pics of ur hair man

    i know its sick
  • The truth is always the most interesting response. What is the worst trouble you got in as a kid?
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