I may fucking kill myself....


  • I will NOT give them a DIME . . .
  • Disney is not the problem. Just kill Lucas.

    Put Whedon in as director. JJ. Abrams executive producer.

    Problem solved.
  • wow, $4 billion. i'd be happy with .01% of that for myself.
  • moose wrote: »
    Disney is not the problem. Just kill Lucas.

    Put Whedon in as director. JJ. Abrams executive producer.

    Problem solved.

    Sounds like someone is enjoying more of Whedons work!!

  • No way it makes this 2015 release date.

    Very surprised by this... Lucas has always said that Star Wars would die with him and there would be no more films... and it is not like he is hurt up for money.

    What does this mean for Indiana Jones? Or would Speilberg have some say with that?

    So is it going to take place after the OT? Sans Luke, Leia, Han?

    Anything but more PT/Clone Wars garbage please.
  • I can hardly wait till they open the new Sarlac pit ride at Sithland.
  • Macke wrote: »
    No way it makes this 2015 release date.

    Very surprised by this... Lucas has always said that Star Wars would die with him and there would be no more films... and it is not like he is hurt up for money.

    What does this mean for Indiana Jones? Or would Speilberg have some say with that?

    So is it going to take place after the OT? Sans Luke, Leia, Han?

    Anything but more PT/Clone Wars garbage please.

    Disney now owns the Indiana Jones franchise now also. FML.

    I would imagine that Eps 7-9 will take place after ROTJ. There are 3 books written by Timothy Zahn that GL has already said are the 'official' stories of 7-9. I would hope that Disney would make them as all of the other Extended World of SW is based on those books. The Zahn series takes place 5 years after the Battle of Endor.

    I watched the first season of SW: The Clone Wars, and was pleasantly surprised at myself for liking it.
  • Some people just want to watch the world burn.

    And this is all I have to say about that.
  • And here I thought the Rebels WON . . .
  • Well, this was an eventful news day

    I'm going to bed.
  • moose wrote: »
    Disney is not the problem. Just kill Lucas.

    Put Whedon in as director. JJ. Abrams executive producer.

    Problem solved.

    I'm a genius.

    Star Wars: JJ Abrams boldly goes to direct a galaxy far, far away | Film | guardian.co.uk
  • moose wrote: »

    lol...shoulda laid a bet down on it!

    I'm actually kinda excited about this. I really like Star Trek directed/produced by JJ Abrams. He may do the Star Wars universe some justice.
  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    Some people just want to watch the world burn.

    And this is all I have to say about that.

    awesome quote. An insight into true humanity.
  • They're going to hand out glasses as you go into the theater...

    Not for 3D effect, but lightsabres + lens flare could blind someone in mere seconds.

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