Moral Dillema

I entered the Sunday Storm and am 18 / 4000, already in the money with 80 BBs. I am supposed to go with my wife to take my daughter back to college at 5:30pm.

Do I stay home and try and win this tourney or go with my wife and daughter ?


  • or download to your smartphone. Have the wife drive and you play
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    or download to your smartphone. Have the wife drive and you play

    How much would the data charge be for that ?
  • does not use a lot of data. Do you have a data plan?
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    does not use a lot of data. Do you have a data plan?

    No data plan, it will be my daughter's smart phone. She has unlimited texting and calling but a limited amount for data.

    Obviously I'd pay her for the data, but don't want it to cost $100+
  • should be ok there.
  • OK, PokerStars App has been downloaded, stopping at Walmart for Car Adapter for the phone.

    Watch djgolfcan on Stars for updates.
  • Keep playing and trust that the Stars RNG will resolve the problem before 5:30.

    Or go with Hobbes' idea. I f you ship it, the hundo will not seem like much.
  • But what will you do if you are still in it and you drop her off?

    You wont be able to play on the way home.
  • lol there's still 4k people

    grind hard sir
  • But what will you do if you are still in it and you drop her off?

    You wont be able to play on the way home.

    in case of said emergency PS does allow someone to take over your account.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    in case of said emergency PS does allow someone to take over your account.

    Hobbes would be good choice...:p
  • Moral dilema over.

    Nice squeeze sir. gg
  • Why would you enter a big mtt when you know you have to go somewhere?

    Is daughter single?;):p
  • Philli . . . if you're going to bluff, at least make the "story" plausible . . .
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Is daughter single?;):p
  • Wife is very family oriented, but we don't have kids.

    She said keep playing. Make wife drive.

    My opinion. She's in college. She will understand. I'm probably lucky I don't have kids. I'd be a terrible Dad.
  • Ha, "moral dilemma"

    sit back and think about that one for a minute.

    I dont even have kids, and I know the answer to this one.
  • Devon you play alot of internet poker and there is a game waiting for you at any time of the day and night, so I am like phili, surprised that you'd even reg for a game when you have concrete plans made with the family. The fact that you would register for the game in the first place and then feel the need to pose this question to a forum and then go out of your way (walmart and kid's phone) to keep the game going makes me wonder if you should take a step back, look over the past year and see if online poker is doing you good or possibly hampering you on a personal level. What did the missus think of all this?
  • I'm only 127% sure this was posted tongue in cheek.

  • "honey! im in a 10$ donkament!!! theres 4k ppl left but imma ship it!!!!!!"
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I'm only 127% sure this was posted tongue in cheek.


    This. ^^^

    There was no way I was going to let my wife drive all the way there and back by herself. Especially in the dark and rain. Although, Hobbes made a great suggestion with the smart phone, and my daughter wanted a car adapter anyway.
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