need help improving my game--pleez dear Gawd!

I've been playing the $3 STTs with 3-minute blinds on Party Poker. I've deposited a total of $120, used up a $15 cashout restricted bonus, and cleared all four tranches of a $25 release-restricted bonus, so my total roll was about $160. In about 200 STTs (of which I have record of only the last 90), my BR has gone down to $1.47. That means I'm down 53 buyins. Now, my PT4 C net adjusted value is about $40 or 13 buyins higher than my actuals, so ideally my BR should still be at $40 and I've had variance; but you don't lose 53 buyins over even a small sample like 200 STTs without being sure you're a losing player. So I need help improving my game, and I'd like to ask you guys to help.

I have the trial version of PT4, which is crippleware, and can do some of my own stats analysis if I can figure out what's important and what's not. I guess I can also do my own hand analysis if I figure out how. Maybe you guys can help me with suggestions. And if you want to see some of my graphs, charts, and reports, please tell me which would be good to upload to an image site and link to here. Plus let me know what kinds of hands you want me to convert and post, and whether I have to use this forum's hand converter or I can use one of the ones built into PT4.

Thanks, guys.


  • First things first, stop playing tournaments with 3min blinds !! The variance in those things is HUGE. It would require 1000s of tournies to get an idea of how you really run.

    The longer the blind structure of a tournament, the bigger advantage a skilled player has in that tournament. To learn those skills, start playing regular timed STTs.
  • You should look up my superturbo thread -- variance is terrible in those. Can't really say if you are a winning or losing player at them with that small a sample.
  • I'd love to play the STTs with regular 10-minute blind intervals but there is almost zero traffic at them on Party. I guess I could either try the 5-minute blinds ones, where there is less traffic than at the 3-minute ones but at least there is SOME traffic, or just stop playing Party and try playing on Stars instead. What do people think?

    Someone suggested that the edge is much smaller at STTs right now than at cash NLHE. If I do play cash, I'd definitely play on Stars rather than Party because of the larger opponent pool. What do people think?
  • Go where the people are.
  • At those limits you can probably choose from some smaller sites with decent rakeback as well
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