


  • ^^^^^

    who are you and what did you do to GTA? :D

    Seriously ram, GTA has some good advice.
  • Live will not be my main source of income, itll only be 1/10th of it.

    And I have over 1000 buyins for my ABI online. But point has been taken and ill re-evaluate my bank roll management perspective for live games. Thanks Peeps.
  • costanza wrote: »
    Haters gonna hate ram

    Just play ur game and do ur thing, don't let these old guys bring u down

    I'm playing for a living out here in BC after moving here from Ontario and it's been going real well playing live cash. I got lots of heat for it, but I think I'm doing a good job proving they have no idea what they are talking about.

    Let's grab beers when u are here next week, I'll be around. I know who u are lol.

    You don't actually believe anyone believes you are playing poker successfully 'for a living' do you? Cmon man. Fantasy is fun sometimes but delusion can drive you krazy :o
  • SuperNed wrote: »
    You don't actually believe anyone believes you are playing poker successfully 'for a living' do you? Cmon man. Fantasy is fun sometimes but delusion can drive you krazy :o

    Ned . . . don't bother. It's not worth it.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Ned . . . don't bother. It's not worth it.

  • Now that the sunday million has finished, I can update you guys on my sharkscope graph. Not saying I shipped it, sharkscope just waits for all tourneys to completely finish before entering it.

    This Sunday was pretty bad just like most Sundays because you will either bink a big tourney or have a bad day. Sundays' can be really annoying and lead to the biggest variance in tourney players' br.

    Today I was invited to join a skype chat group with other online grinders. Chatting with other tourney players during my session made grinding very enjoyable even though I did not have a deep run. I felt that time moved incredibly fast due to the company of other people. My biggest problem with online poker was the loneliness of it and the non-social aspect. During downswing season, it can get pretty depressing and when there are other people to share your depression with. Then you do not feel so bad because they'll be someone who has it worse. LOL. Since that problem is solved, I think I will find grinding much more enjoyable in the future.

    Session 3:

    Notable finishes:

    $44 (22 of 2291) - $268
    $5R (32 of 1066) - $44

    Loss: -$255

  • Out of curiosity, how many tournaments did you play on Sunday?
  • Hey Ram, let me start off by saying I wish you luck with your poker goals. Hell your only 22, so you can dog fuck for the next five years and if things don't work out as planned, at least you have a U of W degree to fall back on.

    If the poker career doesn't work out, any plans to continue your education? what field are you thinking of working in with your degree?

    What would be interesting to see in addition to your positive cashes, would be the tournaments you didn't cash in. Also, maybe the giraffe updates could be from Oct. 19th to-date versus single day results.

    You planning to start to play on any of the live poker circuits (EPT, WSOP, etc.)?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Out of curiosity, how many tournaments did you play on Sunday?

    If you click on the attached graph, there are a bunch of statistics on top of it. The number to the right of "count" is the amount of tourneys I played that day (just for future reference). In this case I played 58 tournaments, I multitable ~15 tables on average.
  • I played a very mini session yesterday. Mini meaning I played 3 turbos while I procrastinated on finishing my assignment. I've always found the most interesting things to do when I have something due or a midterm the following day.

    I spent the day napping and watching YouTube videos trying to find every reason not to be studying. I would love nothing more than to finish my essays well before they are due and not have to think about them, but my brain likes to wait till the last minute. It likes to stress, drink energy drinks and pull nighters. So I would take different intermissions during the essay writing process to sneak in a turbo.

    I played the 44 turbo, 77 6max turbo and 55 turbo. I busted two out of the 3 of the tournaments in about 20mins of starting them, I usually late reg so I could busto quick or build a stack. It definitely decreases my ROi so I strongly dont recommend late regging turbos. To my luck I ended up shipping the 55turbo for around $1900. The graph for that session will be provided when I get home as I'm writing this post on the bus.
  • ram_siva1 wrote: »
    I played a very mini session yesterday. Mini meaning I played 3 turbos while I procrastinated on finishing my assignment. I've always found the most interesting things to do when I have something due or a midterm the following day.

    I spent the day napping and watching YouTube videos trying to find every reason not to be studying. I would love nothing more than to finish my essays well before they are due and not have to think about them, but my brain likes to wait till the last minute. It likes to stress, drink energy drinks and pull nighters. So I would take different intermissions during the essay writing process to sneak in a turbo.

    I played the 44 turbo, 77 6max turbo and 55 turbo. I busted two out of the 3 of the tournaments in about 20mins of starting them, I usually late reg so I could busto quick or build a stack. It definitely decreases my ROi so I strongly dont recommend late regging turbos. To my luck I ended up shipping the 55turbo for around $1900. The graph for that session will be provided when I get home as I'm writing this post on the bus.

    nice job
  • Sorry guys for the lack of updates lately. Just had a lot to do with school and to be honest. I kind of got lazy. I had one session after the turbo bink and it went terribly. I lost about 1000 in that session. I have been lazy yesterday and today as I have another assignment due today. I have been playing a bunch of turbos, but bricking everything. Which costed me another 200 so Im in no hurry to put in another session before WSOPC.

    Pokerjah asked me a bunch of questions, I will answer them all in a separate post as it will be a pretty lengthy post. But here is the graph for my profits since my first post here.

    Im going to lock poker down and party for Halloween this weekend before I leave. I think Im going to fit in a study session and try to cram as much information I can find on the adjustments you need to make from going from Online to Live. Anyone have any good links for tournaments adjustments, Please post link.

    October 19th- October 26th

    With 3 sessions total in these days.

  • Not to worry, Ram . . . we appreciate the updates. If the occasional lapse occurs in reportage, no biggie. Unless, of course, we start seeing updates involving you and some Serbo-Croatian bikini model . . . in which case, just PM the naughty bits to a select few, okay?
  • Mmmmmm, naughty bits
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Mmmmmm, naughty bits

    HEY !!! It was my idea . . . **sigh**
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