PFC Group Lotto - Oct 13, 2012

This is the PFC group lottery for Saturday October 13, 2012.

- post a valid ticket for this draw date and you are now included as one of the group
- all decent winnings shall be split evenly amongst players that posted a ticket
- any small winnings should be cashed in for other tickets and posted back in this thread. No one else may join the group for that new ticket(s). That ticket(s) belongs to the same group the money originally came from
- if you play encore, it is assumed by everyone that any monies won from that is the sole property of the ticket purchaser unless stated otherwise.
- posting numbers only is not acceptable.
- If we win the top prize outright, $25,000 will be automatically skimmed off the top and put towards a PFC Pokerstars home game. A $25,000 GTD freeroll smiley.gif

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