Poor Me - I suck at poker



  • the simple answer to that is that thsi is how this game goes . standard raise out of the blocks is $1 never lower. $2-3 would not scare this guy. He had been pushing with shit all night and I thought this would be the amount to get him to fold.

    No big deal I can range him on any Pocket pair , any suited connectors or any suited cards over 8 with that call so Im still feeling ok.

    Dont get me wrong - I'm not suggesting I played this had well and wondering how it all went wrong- I know what went wrong for the most part. Very interested in opinions. but really Im happy with my play in this hand until the turn. after that I should have pulled up, but by then I had convinced myself he was bluffing/drawing.
  • If the cards aren't on your side somedays then I'd play close and conservative, but ya gotta take a chance at time,,,
  • Yavvy

    Playing marginal hands pre will have u in marginal spots post flop

    Most players leaks come from pre flop mistakes

    Tighten up, don't squeeze with bullshit like q9s and wonder why u are getting pwned
  • But i was so card dead.. any face against that fool at our table and I was going after him :) but point taken. In a better game I would not have been there... does not change the fact i put myself in a marginal position with a marginal hand - thanks for the advice !
  • **Update Again**
    So I went to poker again.. Cant seem to tear myself away. Poker night rolls around and I just have to go ! its fun :) . Im married with kids - need to get out and be all manly and all.

    But it went well ! Started off on a tight table and I was slightly up after 1 hour of play - an opportunity came up to move to a looser table where the donks live and I took it. Dont really know why, they have been killing me for weeks now but I was feeling good and I was kind of card dead. i thought a change of seat might refresh things.

    So I got to hit some flops and sucker a few donks in and in 10 mins I had doubled my stack. Rest of the night went well from there. I had one bad read against my current nemesis but I was still up.

    I tried to focus on singling out the players I feel I have a really good read on or the ones that just plain suck. Worked out well. Basically two weak players gave me all my profit for the night.

    I bought in for $30 cashed out $75
    I don't think my game has improved all that much - just hot some flops and concentrated a little more

    **not sucking as much**
    **but not awesome ..yet**
  • At least your putting some time in, and experience makes you better.
  • **stupidfucking Update yet again **
    Sucking at RL poker continues
    I have played twice since my last update
    Game 1 - I played well and left with nothing but Im not complaining lost all my money going in with better cards and being out drawn. Showed great patience but horrible run of cards.

    Game 2 - OMFG talk about shit cards - never in my life have I seen such consistent shit. And when I get dealt KK an A shows up .. Totally went on tilt for the last 30 mins and would have flipped the fucking table over if it wasn't for the fact its quite heavy. So frustrated right now cause I'm working hard to improve and I'm going backwards. Hate this game sometimes.

    Not sure how to make this right in my head - Still tilty.

    Upside - Im running good on pokerstars. finished in the top 3 of 4 SNG's in a row.
  • spiderman.jpg????
  • costanza wrote: »

    I haven't been around here longenough to know what that means.. Troll of some kind ? seems very entertaining

    seems legit
  • Poker is a game where you can make no mistakes and still lose. It sucks, but you have to find a way to deal with it. I post a lot of bad beat hands but truthfully, they don't affect the way I play. Posting them is a kind of therapy and I've forgotten about the hand even before posting it.

    It is akin to a baseball player who is a .300 hitter. Those numbers will get you in the hall of fame, but that means he didn't get a hit more than two out of every three at bats. If a poker player cashes in 30% of their tournies, they would be considered the greatest ever. That means 7 out of 10 times, they are not making any money.

    You will fail more times than you don't.
  • ya intellectually speaking I know this - but how hard it is to stay un-tiltifyed when you have been working hard, thinking, making moves and some goon playing A6os trumps your kinks ..

    but I'm still enjoying the evening out ! still a laugh with the guys - I just never had such cause to be on tilt before - Ill be back .. some day..... I think
  • yavvy wrote: »
    ya intellectually speaking I know this - but how hard it is to stay un-tiltifyed when you have been working hard, thinking, making moves and some goon playing A6os trumps your kinks ..

    Provide more info on your KK hand...Position, how many players pre, stack sizes... did you re-raise and isolate preflop?...
  • Provide more info on your KK hand...Position, how many players pre, stack sizes... did you re-raise and isolate preflop?...

    That hand wasnt a big deal just an example of how amazing my luck is right now

    Cant remember cause I am still sulking.
    Something like this
    Cash game 10/20c blind -
    I have $5-ish
    Goon has $20 ish

    P1 - SB 10c
    ME - BB 20c Kh - Kd
    P2 - fold
    Goon - call
    P4 - call
    P1 - Call
    Me - Raise $1.50
    Goon - Call
    P4 - fold
    P5 call

    As - 4s - 7h
    Goon - bet $1
    P5 - Fold
    Me - Call

    10c ( I think )
    Goon Bet $5
    Me Fold - swearing

    Goon Shows A-6 os

    Next hand I played My Jh - 10h gets busted ( all in pre ) to K-10
    guy caught a K
  • two things I notice, plying short stacked and not topping up... 2nd, j10 is a drawing hand, not an allin pre hand...
  • re: not topping up - thats just more money for me too loose right now.
    re: J10s other than the Kings best had I had seen in an hour and I was ready to Double or go home

    But yeah I get it -
  • When you say RL, I'm assuming you mean 'real life' poker. Are these games you are playing in just casual home games at someone's house with no rake, or at underground clubs, or at casinos?
  • Oh just a home game (we play in an empty space over a cafe) - no rake we give $2 towards cleaning and power
    its all just regular guys no high level players - 1 or 2 really solid players that take money from the casino every time they go but the rest of us are just slobs having a good time.
  • My advice, a lot of the reason why you might think you're not good at poker is because of the type of game you're playing (lots of variance), you're playing with mostly recreational and amateur players where pretty much the easiest way of exploiting them is to play super boring abc tight nitty poker.

    If you want to develop your game more, you will need to build a separate poker bankroll, and work your way up. The games you're playing in, if you're with a bunch of friends and you become super serious and winning all the time, they will eventually stop playing with you. Which is why you should start hitting online tables more or b&m casinos.
  • Yeah, its difficult because while I want to continue to develop my Poker skillz and be the best I can, this isn't my goal in life and I'm not interested in pumping lots on time on-line nor is going to the casino on a regular basis an option.
  • ** another riveting update**

    Ok so I played last night and I played pretty damm well. we played a $20+1R no limit Omaha Tourney. I won (turns out pretty easy in the end) and took home my first pot since like August.
    The most pleasing thing was that I felt my game was really improved -between reading articles online, thinking about my games, listening to your advice and watching some training vids - I absolutely gained an edge.

    Need to be cautious because I had an amazing run of cards and only once did a guy suck
    out on the river. I caught the straight I was chasing in one hand on the river too which was pleasing. Its easier to play when your dealt lots of premium hands that connect with the flop.

    However I feel like whether I had good/bad/medium hands I was playing them well maximizing winnings and minimizing losses. I managed to lay down trip aces to a FH.

    Its a great feeling when work and effort pay off... I feel like my game has been getting better over the last few weeks but the cards were shit. We will have to see if my play is strictly related to the cards I am dealt (in which case Im a delusional fool) or if I can continue to play with an edge over my buddies

    yay me

    ** also play on PS has been solid but not very profitable break even maybe **
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