GTA's Giving It All Up And Going Pro

Well, I made the move to California and now I'm going to go for it!!! I'm going to document the trials and tribulations and my adventures in this thread It's busto or robusto time!!!


  • are there a lot of irish girls in california?
  • Just made a protein shake and am sitting on the outdoor couch on the deck.
  • My god you are heroic to me at times Sir.
  • See now...

    This is straight up shit-disturbing. Let's see where it goes ;)

  • trigs wrote: »
    are there a lot of irish girls in california?

    I have a date tonight. Not sure if she is Irish, but she is a white blonde girl so you never know...lack of pics to follow!
  • Please add smileys.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    See now...

    This is straight up shit-disturbing. Let's see where it goes ;)


    completely agree. will probably get closed soon. however, after today, i think fed deserves worse than just (another) thread mocking him. he's been on a tear lately even after his many 'apologies' and promises to change.

    EDIT: just to be clear i was referring to banning him.
  • trigs wrote: »
    completely agree. will probably get closed soon. however, after today, i think fed deserves worse than just (another) thread mocking him. he's been on a tear lately even after his many 'apologies' and promises to change.

    EDIT: just to be clear i was referring to banning him.

    haters gonna hate I will be crushing live soon
  • my cat just ran across the deck with a leaf in his mouth...crazy adventures
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    my cat just ran across the deck with a leaf in his mouth...crazy adventures

    giraffes or it didn't happen.
  • come to think of it her name is Shannon, could be Irish...more deets in the laterz
  • Shannon could also be a dudes name. :D
  • for all you haters this is real and it is happening:

    I keep the bananas frozen because whenever I buy them I don't eat them soon enough and they go bad, I have now stopped purchasing bananas. Plus, I likez a cold shake!


    Chopped them up on my killer cutting boardz!


    I need my protein to wheel the ladiez!


    Life is tough...I realized at this stage that I didn't have any peanut butter. I bought this cashew butter after watching some show where the character mentioned wanting a nut butter sandwich and then said how good cashew butter tastes -- I like cashews, so time to live on the edge right? EXTREME CASHEW BUTTERZ!!! (lol)...wat, I don't like the shake you go mofoz!


    this is a blender to all of you haterz!@#$!@# lol


    Have to shave for the date tonight lol was sitting on the kitchen counter -- extreme!


    where was I? blending, that's where...take it in haters it's all real life for me:


    I was so hungry I forgot to snap a pic before drinking lol



    fk you trigs
  • omg i friggin' spit my water on my computer screen lmfao
  • Dave...Please...You're a VET!!!
    What about the kittens?!?!?!?!?
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Dave...Please...You're a VET!!!
    What about the kittens?!?!?!?!?

    I'm giving it all up!!! Read one time you hater. Maybe trigs (fk him) can give you an English lesson lol.
  • Sent in a PM to have this locked and deleted

    starting a BAN GTA thread now.

    (fk you trigs)
  • Thread Closed!!
This discussion has been closed.