How many of you have or had a cat?

This is creepy... and a little funny

How much do cats actually kill? [Infographic] - The Oatmeal

I have 1 (used to be 2 :() and we'd usually get a present once a week or so during the highs of the season.. however now he is mostly an inside cat.


  • love cats




    RIP murray
  • my parent's cat used to leave dead birds and mice outside our door all the time. accidentally stepped on one once. not fun. she also killed a little snake once as well. she was nuts though.
  • Cats are apex predators. That said, mine never leave the house, so they are not the killing machines that they could be. Costanza, I see pics, but no rope . . . what up with that?
  • trigs wrote: »
    my parent's cat used to leave dead birds and mice outside our door all the time. accidentally stepped on one once. not fun. she also killed a little snake once as well. she was nuts though.

    what do you know are you a veterinarian??

    fk you

  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    what do you know are you a veterinarian??

    fk you


    mod! :D
  • Scoops in the house with his left coast homies . . .
  • We've always been a cat family. Had several throughout the years while growing up. They would always come in through my window in the middle of the night. During one of their random returns to the house, Sleepy (shuddup, it was a good name!) feels a little heavier than usual. I reach over, turn on the light and see a moderate sized seagull in her mouth. More than a little shocked, to say the least.

    Best one I ever saw was one of Sleepy's kids, Bob (again, shuddup!). I'm out in the front yard reading... ok, honestly, playing original Gameboy Super Mario Land. I notice something in the tree moving around; it's Bob. I don't really think much of it until I notice he's primed to leap on something. I start watching him and realize that he's watching a bird flying around the tree. It was almost as if the bird was flying in some sort of pattern. Well, Bob must have thought the same as, after the third or fourth pass by, he dove out of the tree, caught the bird in mid flight, hit the ground, rolled and landed on top of the bird. He was such a douche though, as he didn't kill it right away, but sat on the poor bird and slapped it several times before nomming it.

    Currently have two kitties, Lita (the one in my pic) and Claude. Have been told they're the last ones I'll have as Alpha is not a cat person, having never lived with them growing up. Unfortunately, mine are jackasses, so they haven't done themselves any favours.
  • 18 pound raccoon cat says sup.

  • I have 5; scratch (22lbs), boots, Charlie, squeakers and purr. All also have screen names. Boots is my Stars avatar, my wife thought it would be fun to upload that when I wasn't looking. I've grown attached though.

    I rescued 2 a year apart about a decade back that were born wild at my work as we are on city outskirts. They had a few babies before being fixed, most of which went to good homes and a few that were kept out of my sight long enough for me not to realize that the kids and wife didn't give them away. They too are now fixed...

    It sounds worse than it is, rarely do we even see all of them at once if we aren't filling their bowls and each are deeply attached to an individual family member. (i have my dog though)

    One was supposed to move out with the oldest daughter, but apperantly i cant disrupt the order of things at their age. Ask my wife and children, they are experts on the subject...

    I actually used to have pure bread blue point Himalyans when the wife and I first got together, but I had to give away my girl to a family member when we had first baby as she was extremely jealous. Great cats those ragdolls.
  • If you cant beat them

    Eat them

    ... Confuscious
  • jontm wrote: »
    I have 5; scratch (22lbs), boots, Charlie, squeakers and purr. All also have screen names. Boots is my Stars avatar, my wife thought it would be fun to upload that when I wasn't looking. I've grown attached though.

    I rescued 2 a year apart about a decade back that were born wild at my work as we are on city outskirts. They had a few babies before being fixed, most of which went to good homes and a few that were kept out of my sight long enough for me not to realize that the kids and wife didn't give them away. They too are now fixed...

    It sounds worse than it is, rarely do we even see all of them at once if we aren't filling their bowls and each are deeply attached to an individual family member. (i have my dog though)

    One was supposed to move out with the oldest daughter, but apperantly i cant disrupt the order of things at their age. Ask my wife and children, they are experts on the subject...

    I actually used to have pure bread blue point Himalyans when the wife and I first got together, but I had to give away my girl to a family member when we had first baby as she was extremely jealous. Great cats those ragdolls.

    Huge pop!
  • Probably a relative of wetts' but this 10 year old isn't half of 18 pounds. Sitting where she likes to snuggle after we take a walk.

    Attachment not found.
  • Four cats vie for control of the staff in our home. Sita has seniority, not to mention what I think is sleep apnea, as all she likes to do is sleep, snore, eat and poop. She is Momma cat to Anna. We wanted to take Anna when we saw her at the home she was boarding in, but the people in charge wanted Momma cat to go with the last of the litter so we ended up with two. Sita was a ghost for the first few months here, and we think she was a stray that got knocked up and subsequently caught. She is very overweight, but has become a lovable ol' gal. Anna is the wife's cat, as she is constantly trying to climb onto her lap. Chester is my boy, a neutered ginger, and a solid 16-17 lbs. Chester used to try and hump anything and everything, which led to some awkward moments with our daughter's ladybug pillow. He seems to have realized that there's no point lately. Not a lap cat, but he likes to hang out near me. Kiera is the last addition. She is the smallest, but also the most fearless. she takes no crap from any of the other cats, and spends most of her time with Anna. She likes sniffing around the wife and I, especially at meal times. No pics on my laptop, but some of you may remember that I have used a head shot of Chester as an avatar in the past. Love my clowder of cats, but 4 is too many I think, especially as i am the one on litterbox detail. Two at the most from here on out.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    He was such a douche though, as he didn't kill it right away, but sat on the poor bird and slapped it several times before nomming it.

    this actually reminded me of how my parent's cat used to fight mice. she would just torture and fuck with them. she'd grab the mouse in her mouth and toss it in the air then bat it with her paw. it would go flying and then she'd pounce on it again and continue. guess she must have been a baseball fan.
  • No lack of pussy ITT.

    My .02c:

    Cats are OK, but they can't beat the loyalty and companionship of a dog. I heard a funny saying once that sums up how I see cats vs dogs:

    When you bring a dog his food, he look's at you and seems to say "You brought me food, you must be a god!" When you bring a cat his food, he seems to say "You brought me food, I must be a god!"

    I may get another cat someday, but I can never see myself without a dog.
  • i always think of a comic i read about what dogs and cats are thinking.

    for the dog, his thoughts are just "time to eat. now let's play. where's my ball. run run run!" whereas the cat's thoughts start out with "day 265 of captivity..."
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    No lack of pussy ITT.

    My .02c:

    Cats are OK, but they can't beat the loyalty and companionship of a dog. I heard a funny saying once that sums up how I see cats vs dogs:

    When you bring a dog his food, he look's at you and seems to say "You brought me food, you must be a god!" When you bring a cat his food, he seems to say "You brought me food, I must be a god!"

    I may get another cat someday, but I can never see myself without a dog.

    More simply . . .

    Dogs have owners . . . Cats have staff.
  • A dog would have to learn how to cook me a pretty damn good steak for me to submit to chasing it around for hours waiting to pick up its shit on a daily basis.
  • A dog would have to learn how to cook me a pretty damn good steak for me to submit to chasing it around for hours waiting to pick up its shit on a daily basis.
    Your cat cooks steak?
  • A dog would have to learn how to cook me a pretty damn good steak for me to submit to chasing it around for hours waiting to pick up its shit on a daily basis.

    That's why I got a cat dog. 9lb toy Pom. All the personality of a big dog (they are spitz descendants so think they are) but taking the garbage out, making a few yard laps is a full fledge walk when you have a 12" stride.

    I like my cats, but 1000% more so my dog is my buddy. He makes sure the cats don't invade my couch or bed while we nap. Bear bounce is also hilarious.
  • great post but from experience I know the bold part to be untrue. A well trained intelligent cat is an awesome companion (and it walks itself!). The saying about bringing food is absolutely true though! And that is all I have to say about the cats and dogs fight. Love em both.
    JohnnieH wrote: »
    No lack of pussy ITT.

    My .02c:

    Cats are OK, but they can't beat the loyalty and companionship of a dog. I heard a funny saying once that sums up how I see cats vs dogs:

    When you bring a dog his food, he look's at you and seems to say "You brought me food, you must be a god!" When you bring a cat his food, he seems to say "You brought me food, I must be a god!"

    I may get another cat someday, but I can never see myself without a dog.

    miss my kitty.
  • Kitties > dogs ainec
  • costanza wrote: »
    Kitties > dogs ainec

    for this I took you off "ignore"? I was expecting ROPE . . . back you GO.
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