Question Week : Shtebs

I almost forgot about my turn. I've been crazy busy and only checking the forum once every week or two lately. Luckily I checked yesterday and realized it's my turn. This week is pretty busy for me as well so please be patient as I won't be checking in every few hours but I will try and answer questions every evening when I have some free time.
Also, this weekend I have 2 family Thanksgiving meals, 1 friends Thanksgiving meal, 1 friend's birthday to celebrate and 1 client event that I'm sponsoring (most of Saturday) so I will still try and answer questions daily but my weekend is just as busy as my weekdays.
That being said. Fire away.


  • spiderman vs. venom?
  • Give or receive?

    Betty or Veronica?

    How do you take your coffee?
  • trigs wrote: »
    spiderman vs. venom?
    I have some time since to respond while I have some lunch. Here we go.
    Spiderman VERSUS Venom, Spiderman always wins. Personally, I love the conflicted anti-hero Venom became when he got his own comic (a few times) so I prefer Venom over Spiderman. I also prefer the black symbiote Spiderman suite to the classic red and blue.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Give or receive?

    Betty or Veronica?

    How do you take your coffee?

    -Always give and not because I'm super altruistic or trying to come across as a great guy but because I'm usually uncomfortable being the focus of gifts, praise or attention. When it comes to bad beats, I would love to give but I have much more experience at receiving. Just ask Kristy (I told you, I'm going to mine that bad beat for YEARS!)

    -Veronica is such a bitch but damn I love brunettes. And that money. Woo! A Friend of mine lent me a graphic novel that mirrors the Archie world but it takes place when they are all grown up and it is dark and disturbing. Archie is married to Veronica and he kills her for her money and frames Reggie (who was screwing her). It gets even more twisted from there, great read.

    -I'm not much of a coffee drinker but when I do get coffee I usually order the froo froo girly flavoured cappucinos. Otherwise, I usually only drink coffee on the weekend and I take it black with a LOT of Irish Cream.
  • Y u no put Oct. 20 on your calendar?
  • moose wrote: »
    Y u no put Oct. 20 on your calendar?

    Sorry Moose, I was looking forward to the Royal but it's smack dab in the middle of my honeymoon. We got a great deal for a swank 5 star resort in Montego Bay Jamaica. 7 nights for the price of 4. We have 2 other couples coming with us so, unfortunately, I just couldn't make it work.
    The truly sad news is that without my being our team anchor, non of the other teams have a chance. I mean seriously, I was terrible last time. Bleh. And I haven't had a lot of time for poker lately so my game is rusty.
  • Where did you grow up?

    Did you play any sports growing up? if yes which ones

    What is your biggest poker win?
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    I have some time since to respond while I have some lunch. Here we go.
    Spiderman VERSUS Venom, Spiderman always wins. Personally, I love the conflicted anti-hero Venom became when he got his own comic (a few times) so I prefer Venom over Spiderman. I also prefer the black symbiote Spiderman suite to the classic red and blue.

    i actually have the original venom comics in mint condition lol.
  • Favourite adult bevvie?
    Best drunk story?
  • Where did you grow up?

    Did you play any sports growing up? if yes which ones

    What is your biggest poker win?

    I lived in Kitchener until I was 11, lived in Sudbury for a couple years, North bay a couple years and back to Kitchener for grade 10 (15 years old). I did go to 6 different schools over a 5 year span. Good times...

    I was not into sports at all growing up. I was really into movies, comics, books and video games. I was an avid swimmer though. I took swimming lessons for several years and I spent most of my summers at my aunt and uncle's on lake Nipissing and I was in the water most of the day. In high school, I tried out for junior football just because my friend didn't want to try out alone. I made the team and I have loved football ever since. I also played rugby in grade 13 because the coach saw me in the hall and insisted my buddy (same one) and I join the team. Great sport. I was never in better shape in my life.

    My biggest tournament win was around $2,800 for placing 14th in an online tournament. My largest single session cash game win was $6,450 from a 5/5 NL and 5/10 NL session at Fallsview. I did go on a sick run and turn a $250 deposit into $8k in a 2 day span on P*s around 5 years ago. Since it was just fun/mad money, I sat down with my entire BR at a 1/2 table and just kept moving up. I cashed out $7k and freerolled the remainder. Tried the same strategy and blew it in a day. Easy come, easy go.
  • trigs wrote: »
    i actually have the original venom comics in mint condition lol.

    I do as well but nowhere near mint condition. I bought them, read 'em and have reread them several times since. My entire collection is like that.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Favourite adult bevvie?
    Best drunk story?

    I don't really have a favourite. I go through phases. My regular drink at the moment is vodka and water but sometimes I like a nice gin and tonic. I am slowly gaining an appreciation for scotch. As for beer, I like to sample different micro brews and beers that are new to me. My favourite brew at the moment is Nicklebrook. I catch a lot of flack because it's a fairly light, apple flavoured beer but I don't care because I enjoy it.
    I also love red wine. Some whites are okay but I really enjoy a nice Pinot Noir or Meritage with a nice meal.

    Drunk story, eh? Is it bad that I have several and I'm not sure which one to draw upon. Hmm...
    In college, my friend Andrew (same one from answer above) and I were known as the really friendly, really nutty and absolutely shameless party guys. We get invited to a keg party at this Duplex downtown. We show up fairly early (early afternoon) for a pre-party prime up with the host. I don't remember why but the three of us ended up in our boxer shorts. A few other people show up and they all decided to head downstairs to visit the girl who lived downstairs. Andrew, another friend and I stayed upstairs (with the keg) and notice one of the girls left her camera. This was in the days of film (pre-digital). We proceed to take some very lewd and suggestive photos with some very well placed blankets that make it look very convincingly like Andrew and I are having some steamy sex. Later that week, we are in a class and Melissa (owner of said camera) explains that she got her mom to develop the photos for her since they had pictures of a family function on the roll that the mom wanted to see. She was more than a little shocked to find our pictures. Melissa then shared the photos with the class in hopes of embarrassing us. We took the pictures and personally showed them to everyone who wanted to see them and even some people that did not want to see them. It was hilarious.
    TL;DR Got drunk, faked lewd gay sex pictures on a girl's camera unbeknownst to her.
    Oh, I also broke the host's roomate's bed with that girl Melissa at the same party. The host loved doing wrestling moves and we got into a debate about how a well executed powerbomb would not hurt much. Melissa volunteered ( I think, I hope) and I powerbombed her onto roomates futon breaking most of the little wood slats. Oops.
  • Look for Still Waters Single Malt Vodka at the LCBO . . . it's great.
  • What do you do for work?
    Do you* shave your ass?

  • Favourite food you know you shouldn't eat but still do anyways no matter how gross you feel afterwards?

    Favourite childhood memory?

    Childhood hero?

    Current hero?

    Favourite Disney movie?

    Why am I so much cooler than Milo?

    Why am I so much lamer than Compuease?
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    What do you do for work?
    Do you* shave your ass?


    - I am a personal wealth manager (aka financial advisor) with Investors Group Financial Services. I help manage their finances and create strategies to help them plan for retirement, children's education, manage risk (insurance), estate planning, etc... So if anyone is looking for advice, insight or simply a second opinion on their current financial plan don't hesitate to get in touch with me.

    -I'm married now so my manscaping regimen is just the bare essentials now. Thanks to my mother's French Canadian background, I have inherited some rather hirsute traits but excessively hairy ass is not one of them.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Favourite food you know you shouldn't eat but still do anyways no matter how gross you feel afterwards?

    Favourite childhood memory?

    Childhood hero?

    Current hero?

    Favourite Disney movie?

    Why am I so much cooler than Milo?

    Why am I so much lamer than Compuease?

    -Poutine is the one food that I absolutely love but it feels like I have a large lump of sludge in my gut after. It's just so damn tasty...

    My favourite childhood memory was the frequent family get togethers with my Mom's family. They are a large family and we used to have at least two huge weekend long reasons to party (weddings, wedding anniversaries, retirement celebrations, etc...) They often took place at Maple Lake which is a large plot of land some aunts and uncle own where we have a few cottages on a small serene lake and there are no neighbours within eyesight or earshot. Some great great parties.

    My childhood hero was actually a close friend of mine. Prepare the sappy music but it is true. I had a friend in grade school who was unlike all the other kids. Here are some of the things that continually impressed me:
    -He was really intelligent. He was one of the few kids in the enriched learning classes throughout school and was always in the top 2 of 3 for grades in our class.
    -He was a trend setter. He was never worried about what other kids thought and that made him the coolest not just in our class but in our school. He was the first boy in our school to get an earring (in grade 6?) and he started various trends that inevitably caught on.
    -He also was really into comics and books which sparked similar interests in me. By the 5th grade he had me reading actual novels while the other kids our age where reading Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Ramona and Beazus, etc... I had a hard time plodding through my first adult novel but I wanted to be like him so I set myself to the task. I love reading and it has formed a large part of who I am now.
    There are many more reasons why I always looked up to this guy but I'll limit it to that. This friend, if you haven't figured it out, is Nikola Mehes. He's 800over on the forum and I am proud to say that 31 years later we are still friends today.

    I don't know if I have a hero per se. I do greatly admire my father because he is a an active and respected member of the community. He's achieved impressive things professionally. After a working his way up to a very senior position at Mutual Life (now Sun Life), he took a huge risk and started a company with an associate. After 6 years and many close calls (they almost failed and folded several times) they sold the company for a large sum but he stayed on because he was key the operation. Not satisfied with that, he left that company a few years later to start yet another company and after selling that company and then buying it back at a fraction of what he sold it for it is on the verge of being an even larger success. He's also very active in politics (municipal, provincial and federal) and he's passionate about helping small businesses and start ups in KW. He was awarded the Waterloo Region Entrepreneur of the year a few years ago. He is approaching retirement but I doubt he will ever retire because he has a drive that age simply cannot slow down.

    I'm not sure if it counts but Disney owns them now. One of my favourite movies has always been the Muppet Movies. As a child, I loved the Muppets and as an adult they still make me laugh.

    I'm not sure what it is that makes you cooler than Milo. I have met Milo and I haven't met you so you have that going for you. You actually have a background in wrestling which has been a guilty pleasure of mine since college so I respect that.

    You are lamer than Compuease because you are one of us non of us is as cool as him.
  • This is quickly becoming my favourite 'question week' thread.

    Regarding -800over: +1. He is one cool cat.

    The bad beat you mentioned perilously: was it at Bristol? You flopped at set of 3s and she turned her APAK into a boat? That was gross. What the worst (or best) BB you've laid on someone?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    This is quickly becoming my favourite 'question week' thread.

    Regarding -800over: +1. He is one cool cat.

    The bad beat you mentioned perilously: was it at Bristol? You flopped at set of 3s and she turned her APAK into a boat? That was gross. What the worst (or best) BB you've laid on someone?

    She had A10 on an A,3,x flog. turn 10, river A. I busted out of a $20 BI tournament and have had something to hold over her head for years to come so it's actually win/win.

    I have laid some pretty horrendous beats myself. I once missclick called a pre-flop all in in a 1/2 NL cash game (on P*s) online with 79o against Aces and won. Won around $240 I think. This was several years ago.
    I also got out of line at a 15/30 game at the Ex this year. Crazy table and I get involved in a pot with a maniac (guy) and a tilting player (female) who has been complaining about always being second best and losing big pots. The maniac had been raising/capping from flop to river and folding on the river when he missed or didn't improve his hand. I had 4d7s in BB. It's two bets to call when it gets to me with these two and 2 other runners so obviously I decide to cap it. Flop comes AdQd7c. I lead out and thanks to other guy we get a capped flop losing all but us 3. Girl never raised, just called so I'm expecting her to release her hand in the face of pressure on the turn or river. Turn brings 7d. I decide to check since I put one of them on the flush draw. She checks and guy bets and suddenly I'm convinced he doesn't actually have the flush. I decide to see where my 2 pair is and I raise. Girl flats (wtf??) and guy flats so now I'm convinced he doesn't have the flush but I'm worried she has AQ and is crushing me. River is a diamond giving me the 4 high flush. I'm puzzled by the play so far but decide to lead out.I can't fully explain why but I'm convinced I have the only diamond now so I bet the river. I get called in both seats which is disconcerting. He turns over AK (no diamond) and she turns over JJ (no diamond). turn over my 4d7s and rake in a hefty pot while avoiding stunned looks that turn into hostile glares. It was dirty, it was reckless and it was pretty damn sweet. It was the EX...
  • shtebs wrote: »
    it was dirty, it was reckless and it was pretty damn sweet...

    new tag line
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