Check Blind - WTF ?
I dont get why people check blind. Its a stupid move in my opinion espically if you do it all the time. The only reason I can think for doing it is that your reaction to revealed cards is so bad you need to take the focus off yourself - In which case it would be better to suit up with hoodies and shades etc etc.
Can anyone make a good case for this behavior (on any kind of a regular basis )?:bs:
Can anyone make a good case for this behavior (on any kind of a regular basis )?:bs:
i would never use it in a tournament and i would never use it against someone i don't know since it just becomes a wasted action then imo.
that being said, i've probably done this maybe once ever.
Not an advocate of checking blind on multiple streets.
i got stacked because of it one time... tilted me so bad I punted 250 beibers lol
why would the dark check tilt anyone? it's just a check...I'm confused...
[x] cuz you aren't a pro
I'm considering it, you know I actually won a 27 man today so
philli are you multi-accounting again?
Matt Savage once posted that the cool kids were checking by saying " I checkraise", and he would issue them penalties.