poker league

Im just about to start a new year for my league and im looking to add some side pots any ideas would be great



  • side pots? do you mean props?
  • we have a best hand side pot you put in $2 if you want to be in that night and the player with the best hand of the night wins
  • how about the most suck outs, or the flip side
  • 7/2 is always fun
  • 72 is fun. or you can always be a degen and bet on red/black flop.
  • trigs wrote: »
    72 is fun. or you can always be a degen and bet on red/black flop.

    yep red black is fun too. Its a side pot it just needs to be a little fun and something everyone can be part of without distracting from the main game.
  • At my home game we do a $25 buy-in ($20 to the pot, $3 for leaderboard tournament of champions and $2 high hand each night). The high hand must be at least aces full to qualify, if not there is a carryover until next month. We have had the high hand pay out over $100 with a carryover into the next month. It just gives everyone a little "lottery ticket" feel. After running this system for over 4 years now I have yet to win a high hand (I chopped once) and have on three different occasions had my quads beaten by better quads later in the tournament! One of these days...I'm due!
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