Sometimes Strange memories cause a Youtube search...

Some how this crazy shit started going through my brain. I haven't thought about this song since the late 80's.......

Boom Boom Acka lacka boom boom........are you fucking kidding me? why is this still in my head.



  • You are not alone! Shit like this happens to me ALL THE TIME!

    Don't judge me, but this past weekend yielded a search for this:

    Roxette - Joyride - YouTube
  • What happens is you see something on Youtube, and then you see something else in the listings on the right side of the page, etc., etc., etc. I found myself watching a few Rick Rude matches last night.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    You are not alone! Shit like this happens to me ALL THE TIME!

    Don't judge me, but this past weekend yielded a search for this:

    Glad I'm not the only one...
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