Question Week: ReefAquarium

Hi, I guess it's my turn in the box.

I have a question for you guys,

2/5 Live Fallsview.

BB Villain was a nit for the first hour. Didn't play one single hand. Then he played A9o badly and lost about $200. Then some guys paid him off when he had AA and the then KK. My table image is strong. I've been winning. I'm up two buy in's at 1500.

Kd2d on the button.

4 Limpers,

K2s is a hand I can call with here. There are some big stacks on the table that I'm happy to play 300bb deep with position even with a crap hand like K2s.

Sb folds and BB checks

Flop comes a near perfect
K82 2 clubs.

I flop 2 pair top and bottom.

Everyone checks to me and I pot it for $30.

BB and MP both call.

Turn is 7s putting 2 spades along with 2 clubs up.

checked to me.

Now is not the time for pot control.

I bet about pot.

I bet 130.

only the BB calls.

Pot is about 390.

River is a 6s completing the backdoor flush and back door straight.

Even though it's a scary card to my opponent. I decide to go for thin value.

I bet $100 thinking that he will call such a small bet with a bad king.

Villian insta check raises me to $360.

I tank..

What do you do?

Villain has not check raised all night.
Villain played really tight for the first hour. And then made a bad call with A9.



  • I fold but I'm a huge live nit.

    How old are you?

    How much do u play a week?

    Tell us about your up bringing

    Can u cook?

    Do u play online much?
  • He either has K-x of spades or nothing. And there is too much in the pot for you to fold. Its crying call time.

    Where do you live ?

    What do you do for work ?

    Age, Married, kids ?
  • I play mainly live poker. I play online a bit for fun and practice but I far prefer to play live.
  • I firmly believe that cash games are better suited for me.

    I can leave when I want, cash out when I want , get there when I want.

    I've played 1 tournament in the last 3 years.

    or maybe 2

    But nothing significant.

    But I still want to play in the world series main event.

    Go figure. It makes no sense.
  • Can you please explain the name Reefaquarium?
  • do you actually own an aquarium? if yes, what do you have in it? if no, where did the name come from?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Can you please explain the name Reefaquarium?

    damn it he beat me by seconds.
  • What hobbies do you have besides poker?

    Married? Kids? Pets?

    Were you aware that Gilligan died?
  • Aren't these things supposed to be answered in a timely manner? :)

  • Why put you name up and then no show?
  • Style points?
  • Do you want me to answer for you?
  • Wolffhound wrote: »
    Why put you name up and then no show?

    Cash game players = long grinding hours on the weekend

    What's your longest session?
  • this thread is terrible

    good intro... the other posts didnt even adress the questions that were asked

  • How many times per week do you check the poker forum?
  • by 'check' do you mean visit the site in general?

    over the summer, i got used to pretty much having the forum open on a tab all day as long as i was home. now that i'm back to work i'll check it too many times to count. probably easily 20+ times a day i'll refresh the new posts link. yeah i have no life.
  • One of my fav question week threads
  • Is English your first language?
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    One of my fav question week threads
    Dead Money wrote: »
    Is English your first language?

    it used to be but he moved to the states. now he speaks 'merican.
  • just figured i'd start answering some questions in here.
  • trigs wrote: »
    just figured i'd start answering some questions in here.

    thanks for splainin
  • on yer bike reef

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