Dick move or no: Wedding edition

Weddings on long weekends, dick move or no?


  • Dick move unless it's at the cottage or the beach!
  • as long as it's not mine, go for it!
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Weddings on long weekends, dick move or no?

    Are you and Mario going to finally stop living in sin ?
  • Dick move, but on a sliding scale, peaking with mid-summer long weekends. Your cottage-having friends will curse you from about the day they get the invitation until at least the weekend after the wedding. And then again every year around your anniversary when they remember that summer you fucked them out of a long weekend on the dock.

    You want to get married Family Day? Go right ahead. Civic holiday weekend? The gift's in the mail. And it's broken.
  • May-Sept : yes
    Otherwise : no

    Full disclosure: I got married on Family Day weekend. :)
  • I think it depends on which long weekend tbh
  • My friend's getting married Easter Sunday, I'm pretty cool with that - actually makes for a decent long weekend instead of eating jujubes and going to church with my mom.

    If it was this weekend and we weren't good friends, he could fuck himself. Card + cash is in the mail.
  • I just noticed this now but has the forum always disclosed who voted for what on the polls?
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    I just noticed this now but has the forum always disclosed who voted for what on the polls?

    Only if you make the polls public and you have to vote to see
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Only if you make the polls public and you have to vote to see

    Nope, I saw before voting.
  • I'm the eldest of 22 grandchildren and when my cousin booked his wedding for the civic holiday I read the riot act to all my other cousins. I said if they booked their wedding for a long weekend I'd kill them myself.
  • Nope, I saw before voting.

    Ya. I haven't voted, just clicked on results and there it all is

    back on topic. I'm not a big fan of weddings unless it's someone close to me, so inviting me to any could be a dick move :D
  • I got married on a long weekend. Worked out best for us because it allowed us an extra day for the honeymoon and travelling. Its the bride and groom's day after all, and whatever date they choose should be respected. If a guest considers it uncool because it is a long weekend, well, quite frankly, fuck 'em. Don't show. Its not YOUR day, its THEIR day. If you cared about them, you wouldn't give a damn. Wish them the best together.
  • Got married on the civic holiday.....

    at my COTTAGE.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    I got married on a long weekend. Worked out best for us because it allowed us an extra day for the honeymoon and travelling. Its the bride and groom's day after all, and whatever date they choose should be respected. If a guest considers it uncool because it is a long weekend, well, quite frankly, fuck 'em. Don't show. Its not YOUR day, its THEIR day. If you cared about them, you wouldn't give a damn. Wish them the best together.

    It's your wedding....if you can't take an extra day off for your wedding....you're the one who doesn't think it's important.
  • It's your day. It's our weekend you just fucked. Dick move. People may have come because they love you but no-one was clapping their hands with joy - Oh boy I'm so glad it's on a long weekend! Two days instead of one to recover after drinking myself silly at your cheap ass cash bar! Not.
  • I voted that it was a dick move. That said, if one of my friends did something like that, I would not be offended. I agree with AJ's post . . . if it pisses you off THAT much, how good a friend are they to you? Or you to them? Jeebus, people can be so self-absorbed.
  • BrennerM wrote: »
    May-Sept : yes
    Otherwise : no

    Full disclosure: I got married on Family Day weekend. :)

    What about Thanksgiving day? New Year's eve?

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    What about Thanksgiving day? New Year's eve?


    Thanksgiving: Total dick move.

    NYE:Kinda dickish. It had better be one hellva party with an open bar.
  • It depends on a number of factors. We were looking at doing it on the May long weekend because there were a number of my family and friends that would be coming out from BC. This would give them an extra day paid to get to/from the wedding.

    For me, I agree with the several posts that it's the bride and grooms day. If this is considered a dick move, then perhaps they're not the friends you thought they were, and vice versa.
  • I find it interesting...

    Many people are bringing up the "Well, if they're upset, they're not really your friends" argument. I get upset with my friends all the time, as I'm sure they do me. It doesn't change the fact that I love the bastards, but I 100% guarantee there are long weekend plans they'd prefer over a wedding. I don't mean they aren't going to come, or are going to hate you for it, but they'd love to attend MORE on a non long weekend date.

    I agree with Cerebrus there with the far travelling family, it's more understandable, but still less than ideal.

    The second argument of "It's my day, so..." is also weak. everyone wants the perfect wedding of course! But let me give you an example from a wedding I was best man in a few years ago. The fella didn't hire a DJ, figuring he can just get an iPod and load up a song set. No problem then, he said he'll put together the song list, we'll compile and set it up. I get to his house, and every single song is by Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Johnny Cash, and their like. Now, this is a great set of songs for me to sit with a few beers to, but NOBODY is going to enjoy that wedding. No songs to dance to, obscure songs half the people won't know, and some are downright depressing (seriously, even LC says "Hallelujah" is ready for retirement). I told the groom he can pick 5 to hear through the night, and I veto'd any that were not wedding appropriate. Should I have just said "Well, it's your day"?

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