
Buffy the vampire slayer


  • Great show. I actually liked Angel better though.
  • A couple people have told me that it's the bomb.com

    Gonna start watching it, will report back.
  • On Netflix

    On my 2nd go round with a friend of mine.... even better the 2nd time around.

  • People like this show?
  • trigs wrote: »
    People like this show?

    Promise you...

    I was of the same mind when it was first running.. Kristy_sea and I gave it a shot when she lived here.... one of the best shows I've ever seen... maybe THE best.

    Also, Joss Whedon.

  • I've tried to watch it a couple times. My gf likes it. Just never got into it I got guess. I admit though that I am pretty picky about my pop culture media. I hate the vast majority of tv shows and movies.
  • trigs wrote: »
    I've tried to watch it a couple times. My gf likes it. Just never got into it I got guess. I admit though that I am pretty picky about my pop culture media. I hate the vast majority of tv shows and movies.

    Fair enough... it gets much better as it goes on.

    Also, fair warning, and I say this with all of my vast testosterone filled manliness - It will make you cry like a bitch.

  • Ah this topic again.

    It is a decent show seasons 2 and 3 are pretty sweet... show really falls off a cliff after that though. If I were you I'd probably just stop the show after the 5th season.

    I met the actor who played Xander at an expo a few months ago.. cool dude
  • Ok, did 2 episodes... not "hooked" yet lol, im just like "meh" lol
  • costanza wrote: »
    Ok, did 2 episodes... not "hooked" yet lol, im just like "meh" lol
    Buffy the vamp is equivalent to stars wars in my books.

    Watch the whole series, but watch start to finish, and pay attention, the first few seasons tie in with the last lots.

    Quickly into it Joss Whedon the writer, starts to mess with concepts of TV a little. Hes a great writer and pushed a lot of the limits of TV/storyline/concepts.

    His lore is really strong and sharp too so there's lots of strories, and myths and rules to follow. Some of the special effects are top notch for TV series at the time I'm sure, while some of them are really cheesy. But they characters always sort of point of the cheesyness with comedy relief and then go right back into life or death seriousness.

    All of the actors put their all into it every episode and they all play diverse and changing roles through out the entire series. I think they all deserve awards for that show and I think they all deserve successful careers

    I also think buffy its often overlooked as a role model/hero for young girls (or is that stupid?).

    Watch start to finish, I could write a whole bunch of teasers to get you interested but I wouldn't want to cause you to skip ahead.

    I admit in this instance only, that I am a total dork, I go nuts over BTVS
  • Macke wrote: »
    Ah this topic again.

    It is a decent show seasons 2 and 3 are pretty sweet... show really falls off a cliff after that though. If I were you I'd probably just stop the show after the 5th season.

    I met the actor who played Xander at an expo a few months ago.. cool dude

    Season 5 is the best IMO - so much going on there..

    Also - you met Xander??!??!? <Girlie squeal>

  • Also,

    Watch the show a 2nd time through this past couple months... just excuse the fashion. Overalls <shudder>. Keep with it, and it rewards you.

  • Also yeah, season 1 is I believe by the majority of the fanbase to be the worst season.

    While seasons 2 and 3 are considered by the majority to be the prime of the show.

    maybe i'll talk more about this later.
  • Alyson Fucking Hannigan ..... yeah I have a thing for geek chics
  • no spoilers though!!!!
  • Spoiler free..

    Willow when weepy makes me SOOO sad :(

  • i skipped season 1, and then got a tongue lashing, so im back to season 1 lol
  • Season 1 of BtvS..

    Kinda a setup... watch 2-everything else.. If you want, skip angel, the crossovers isn't required.

  • fuck me

    this show is addictive
  • With no Spoilers.

    I didn't really like Willow so much past season 3.
  • Muddguts wrote: »

    The hate I have for you knows no bounds right now

  • Muddguts wrote: »
    pert, wholesome, lethal, what's not to love?
  • SuitedPair wrote: »
    pert, wholesome, lethal, what's not to love?

    Luke Perry?

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Luke Perry?


    sorry should have put in a sarcasm hashtag.... thought it was obvious when I used that awful tag line
  • So,

    Several months removed, I know beanie42 watched it and loved it, Moose died off in S5 I think when last we spoke, who else got around to it?

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