10th Annual Edmonton Poker Classic at Casino ABS Edmonton

Starting next week, August 21st to September 2nd at Casino ABS Edmonton (Argyll), 2012 Edmonton Poker Classic. 10th year running for this one:

2012 Edmonton Poker Classic Schedule, August 21st to September 2nd | Canada Poker | Canadian Poker News


  • i've played in every mid-high stakes casino poker game in Canada and the 2/5 at ABS definitely takes the cake. great room. highly recommend this tournament (and the cash games) to all serious poker players
  • I was there night of the 18th I think...crazy crazy game as always. No less than 3k on the shortest 1/2 table and more than 5k on the rest.. lots of 1-2-5-10 straddles..a few blind 20's thrown in for good mix. 6x standard open at any table..
    First time (granted sessions are low -5 or 6?) I have left there down..lol..lost a 1200 pot flopping bottom set to top two..ground back over the night to only being down 200, only made 60 a few nights prior after getting rivered for another monster pot (almost 1800)...
    I love playing the Yellowhead...seriously.
  • anyone playing the deep stack tourney on Sunday?
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