Anyone in the know about this tournament?

Toronto Poker Classic - The Toronto Poker Classic

November 3, 2012 at the FountainBlu

$250 to enter, $100 rebuys

Final 10 to be flown to St. Kitts for the final table (?!?)

Came across it because they are selling tickets through Ticketmaster. (well, not yet - but it is on the schedule).


  • Well, if it s not a scam, it's certainly a way of getting around the legality of having a for profit poker tournament.
  • Carmine?
  • Actually, it might be . . . didn't that last video someone posted of him in Europe mention something about uKash being a sponsor of his "Event Planning Company" or somethingorother?
  • Just sent an email requesting info... I'll see if he answers..
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