Best hand to beat AA

So I had this discussion with my buddies and there seems to be some debate on which hand gives you the best odds on beating AA preflop. Some say 9/10 suited cause you can fill your straight to the K or from 6. Also a flush draw as well.


  • It's 67s, not matching either suit in the AA hand.

    The reason this suited connector works best against AA is that it makes the maximum amount of straights which do not require an Ace, and takes away the possibility of the AA winning the hand on a board of 2345x.

    Now, anybody know the worst hand to take up against AA?

  • ScottyZ wrote:
    It's 67s, not matching either suit in the AA hand.

    The reason this suited connector works best against AA is that it makes the maximum amount of straights which do not require an Ace, and takes away the possibility of the AA winning the hand on a board of 2345x.

    Now, anybody know the worst hand to take up against AA?

    23456 beats 12345 :eek: :eek: :eek:
    but i though the wheel was the best Lo :confused:
  • The worst pair against AA would be KK (i think) or 22, with both suits same as the Aces. There are just less straights available than any other pair...except for 22 would be the same as it makes 2 straights (A to 5, 2 to 6).

    KK only can make 2 straights (A to 10, K to 9), QQ makes 3 (A-10, K-9, Q-8) and so on.

    However, where the analysis gets foggy (I am trying to do this logically without cheating and quoting sklansky or caro!) is when the board 2 pairs a higher low pair than 22. For instance, if the board comes J-5-5-4-4 then clearly the deuces do not play, but the kings do. However this does not matter as A-A-5-5-J will win anyways.

    SO I think 22 and KK would be the worst 2 pairs against AA. Even if quads hit the board, then it doesnt matter if your kicker is a K or a 2, because the A will outkick you.

    Any thoughts?
  • Hmm... I know AKo and A2o (with the K and 2 in the same suit as one of the aces) is pretty horrible given the weak straight potential, but along the lines of the reasoning of the 7-6s I'm going to say A-9o (with the 9 same suit as one of the aces), since if you make the low end with KQJT, it ends up being a chop...
  • I will guess A-7o with the 7 the same suit are one of the aces.
  • ScottyZ wrote:
    Now, anybody know the worst hand to take up against AA?


    According to twodimes A9 and A6 with the 6 or 9 the same suit as an ace are about equal. I guess with the 9 you only split with a K-high straight but with a 6 you have the possibility of still losing when you hit trips to a board fullhouse.
  • Oh, and the worst 2 of any card against AA I am guessing would be 72o with the same suits as the aces. I have heard that heads up 32o is worse than 72o against a random hand (key word here is random) because heads up the 7 has some high card value (to pair, etc). Anyways, this isnt applicable against aces because the only way for 72o to beat AA is by making trips, 2 pair, house, quads, or some random straight using only the 2 or the 7 (remember there is no flush available). 32o is just as likely to make any of these hands, but has the added probabilities of a straight because the cards connect.
  • lol, sorry I forgot we could put an A in our hand against yeah I think in that case it would be A-6o....5 gapper just like 27o.
  • i would think any A with 6,7,8,9 offsuit with the kicker matching one of the aces.
    this takes away two pair that can be made with 72 and is a long way to go to make any straight.
  • I agree with any Ax Offsuit where the x is the same suit as one of the Aces and Ax are not Gap Connected or Connected.
  • ok so how about suited 78 or 89?

    ScottyZ wrote:
    It's 67s, not matching either suit in the AA hand.

    The reason this suited connector works best against AA is that it makes the maximum amount of straights which do not require an Ace, and takes away the possibility of the AA winning the hand on a board of 2345x.

    Now, anybody know the worst hand to take up against AA?

  • as scottyz said 67 fars better than either 78 or 89 because it takes the power of one of the two straights that the aces can make (the wheel) ... 67 or 89 can't do that while making just as many straights.

    Also 89 also has a problem that on a board with KQJT you lose to the aces making a higher straight.
  • 67s, 78s, 89s, and even 56s are all quite close when you crunch the numbers on However, IIRC the 67s turned out to have the most wins against AA by a small margin.

  • take a loot at AKo versues 56s, 67s, 78s, 89s all about 60% AK, 40% suited connector. AK suited gains about 3-4%
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