
(Comp's PM box is full)

I guess I'll get banned for this....

Unfortunately I will not be allowed to finish my explanation on how the world works. I'll have to wrap it up here without being able to properly tie everything together.

My point has nothing to do with any particular peoples or belief. But part of the experience is understanding our own biases. Every time we draw a line between 'us and them' we are always on the good guy side. That's how our minds work. That's how society works.

Our good guy syndrome refuses to allow information that will contrast our good-guyness. Horrible things have happened in the past, but they were not done by horrible men, they were done by people like you and me. Everyone on this planet is a person like you and me, no different. They fell victim to their circumstances and they fell victim to the ignorance of man...something we are all perpetrators of and victims of.

Also, we need to teach emotional intelligence in school. We need to teach that anger and emotion are not appropriate debating tools. Emotion blocks logic.

But that is all just an aside....

My actual overall point is the same one that quantum physicists were seeking out Krishnamurti for.

Simply put: the ending of thought, and therefore the ending of time.



  • Kitties are cute, I assure you I'm correct.

    Glad you're still making threads that I can shit up.
  • xxxxxxxxx

  • Don't worry darb.. if you get banned...


  • I don't care who you do or don't hate, I'm still waiting for an explanation of how Planck's constant relates to your dissolution of time.
  • I don't care who you do or don't hate, I'm still waiting for an explanation of how Planck's constant relates to your dissolution of time.
    There is definetly a relation:
    Bohm was pressed to develop hidden variables by his mentor Einstein, who thought Bohm was young enough and smart enough to produce the mathematical arguments that the older generation of "determinist" physicists like Erwin Schrödinger, Max Planck, and others had not been able to accomplish.
    David Bohm

    But you're not actually waiting for it, instead you are bidding negative emotion.
  • darbday wrote: »

    Our good guy syndrome refuses to allow information that will contrast our good-guyness. Horrible things have happened in the past, but they were not done by horrible men, they were done by people like you and me. Everyone on this planet is a person like you and me, no different. They fell victim to their circumstances and they fell victim to the ignorance of man...something we are all perpetrators of and victims of.

    Like this? The same page has criticism:

    Banality of evil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • DrTyore wrote: »


    Stop it Mark... If there is something you don't like complain to Wes, Scoops or myself.... Don't take it on yourself... No vigilantism...
  • Conclusion: \Concluded.... On to newer and better things..
This discussion has been closed.