Who is your favorite fictional character?

Fiction is just so much better than real life after all.

Well...my life anyway.

Mine always has been the guy in the avatar.


  • Gordon bombay ainec
  • The prankster in me wants to say Tyler Durden . . .

    but the serious answer would probably be . . .

    Inigo Montoya
  • Homer Simpson
    Darth Vader
    Cookie Monster

    Kinda speaks to my character, doesn't it?
  • Lovable schlub with a temper who loves cookies? Yeah, that fits . . .
  • darbday

  • DrTyore wrote: »


    Shit disturber....
  • Hercules

    Cloud from FFVII

    Damn Johnnie for calling Cookie Monster

  • macke wrote: »
    fiction is just so much better than real life after all.

    Well...my life anyway.

    Mine always has been the guy in the avatar.

    dean moriarty
  • compuease wrote: »
    Shit disturber....

    A true shit disturber would say: "Jesus"

    A suicidal shit disturber would say: " Mohammed"

    Fortunately, I'm no Mark. I'll have to say Tyrion Lannister.
  • I've got a few favourites.

    Initially, I also thought of Sherlock Holmes. I read all the stories when I was a kid so he immediately popped into my mind.

    Along the same vein, Encyclopedia Brown. I used to love reading those books and trying to figure out the mysteries.

    Robinson Crusoe. Stranded on a desert island and slowly over time build up a paradise. Awesome.

    Captain Nemo. Ideals, adventure, sweet submarine. What's not to like?
  • Toss up between Pamela Anderson and Jenna Jameson.
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